Terrible room. Contemplating headphones. Help

I need help here. I have PSB Stratus Bronze speakers, an Audio Refinement Complete amp, and have just sold my Denon 1650ar, because it just wasn't "doing it" for me. I realize the Bronze speakers might like a different amp, but I used to have Triangle Titus speakers(needed more bottom end) for which I purchased the ARC amp. I am a college senior who got the short end of the stick during room selection and have moved from a suite with a large common room to a single that is a dismal 10'x13' with nasty sound-reflecting walls. If I clap my hands or whistle I get a nice echo. So, I am thinking of either purchasing a Sony 9000es(perhaps after the replacement drops the price) and hoping the room doesn't completely ruin the sound, or selling it all off and getting a nice cdp and headphone amp. If I go the speaker rout I have about $700 to spend on a player. If I sell it all off I'll have around $1700 (my gear isn't in perfect condition). If I had to I could stretch a couple hundred more, but not far. What should I do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by ejlif

If your room sounds terrible the most expensive system in the world won't make a diffrence. I have recently moved my gear into a newly built dedicated room. I was so bummed with the sound, flutter echo boomy bass, it was awful. I have been working on treatments for the past couple of months, and my opinion now is that the room is the most important link in the system. In my untreated room no system would have sounded good. Now it is sounding really good, I've got a ways to go still, but what a diffrence some tube traps and wall panels make.

I would say you shouldn't worry about the gear you are using until you get the room fixed. They have a lot of DIY suggestions on Audio Asylum for low cost room treatments. I have made a number of the DIY tube traps and have also bought some of the ASC tube traps, which are quite expensive, and I like the DIY ones better. You would be amazed at what a diffrence 4 16" tube traps can make.