Teresonic Ingenium Silver loudspeakers

Has anyone heard them in a home set-up and what did you think of them?
Jack Roberts of Dagogo gives them a glowing review but, I would like some goners thoughts.


Showing 5 responses by snopro

Thanks John for the reply. Yeah, they have become pricey over the last few
Hopefully, I'm looking for my last speakers to enjoy into retirement.
I want them to be either single driver (close to it) or horns to match up with
my SET amps and low wattage amps.

I love the Classic Audio Loudspeakers but, they are out of my price range.
The Volti Vittoras are really nice too.

I want to hear the Ingeniums before I make any decisions.

Why is that Pani? They are rated at 104db. I run 300b amps, 8 watts should be more than enough.
My friend has Klipsch cornerhorns with updated Volti drivers driven with a 300b amp. It goes plenty loud!
I heard them at the show using using Border Patrol 300b amps with no problems.
Hi mdeblanc,
Yes, I heard them at the NY Audio Show. Beautiful built and sounding speakers. Very fast with great tone and surprising low bass output. The only thing that bothered me was the sound was stuck to the speakers.  Could have been a room issue or set-up, none the less a very nice speaker.
I settled for the Horning Eufrodite Ellipse speakers, which I am very happy with!
Sorry, I forgot to mention they were the Teresonic Ingeniums with the DX4 silver drivers.