Teres Verus Rim Drive Motor with Pro-ject RM10

I'm thinking of buying a Teres Verus rim-drive motor, replacing my RM10's belt-drive motor and its SpeedBox SE controller. The Pro-ject has responded very well to the added isolation of an HRS M3 isolation base and a new Soundsmith "The Voice" (ebony) moving iron cartridge.

Has anyone tried this combination? If so, what were the results? Are there any issues that I should watch out for?


Showing 1 response by jamnperry

I don't have the Project, but I can tell you it's a substantial improvement on a VPI Scoutmaster.
I don't know about your isolation, but the motor should be on the same base as the table. I tried my Verus on a separate base from the Gingko the table was on, and it was obvious that wouldn't work.
Setting speeds can be a little tricky and the wording of the manual could be better, but you should be fine. Chris is very responsive to help too.