
Hi, thought you guys could help me decide which direction to go on buying either the Scheu Premier II or a Teres/100 or 200 series table. Which Teres would be comparable to the Premier II. I know some of the same people designed both tables but sonically speaking/money, any thoughts on one or the other that might help me decide. I will be using a Morch UP-4 arm on the new table. Thanks in advance for any information. Any help is appreciated.

Like Twl and Bmckenney I've only heard a Teres (my 265). Other than that all I "know" is what I read online. I have directed people to both Teres and Scheu in the past, depending on their needs, location and budget. I've talked new owners through issues and questions with both lines. No one who's gone either way based on my suggestions has ever been unhappy AFAIK. IOW, both companies make good TT's, both companies are less than perfect (like any other) and both companies stand behind their product.

Which Teres model would "beat" a Scheu Premier 2? I can only speculate but I'd expect a 245 or higher would. A 150 or 160 might, especially a 160. A 135 might or might not. I'll elaborate on my "reasoning" if you wish, but keep in mind it's based entirely on theorizing.
I posted this on another Teres related issue.

I received information from Hart at Audio Advancements in the past ten days that Hart just received 11 new Premier Mk II kits from Scheu. In other words, Audio Advancements continues to have a current relationship with Scheu. I specifically addressed your concern, Bmck, about getting a non current Scheu and only helping to clear out discontinued product, with Hart.

I would urge anybody contemplating a Scheu or Teres, or any other expensive table, to contact Hart. Hart sells several tonearms including the very attractive Morch and will set it all up for you prior to purchase. Hart also seems very knowledgeable and interested in a happy customer mostly as opposed to making a sale.

So rather than relying on hearsay from people with no direct and current advice you might contact Hart and/or Scheu. Herr Scheu will respond to your queries, too. The Scheu can be ordered from Germany or Hart/Audio Advancements. I think you only get instructions in German, though, if you order from Germany. Shipping costs go up, too, as this is a heavy item.

Hey guys, Rlmm here. I really appreciate all the discussion on the TT ideas, however, I certainly hope this discussion does not put one at odds with another. This is supposed to be an honest and informative discussion and while I VERY MUCH appericate everyone's time, I hate to see this heading in the wrong direction. All that said, let me share a bit of information to all of you that is more recent updated information regarding pricing and other issues I have some concern about. I checked this out myself.

1st, current pricing on the Premier II buying direct, including freight, is much less than through a US dealer such as Audio Advancements. This is not surprising of course.
2nd, It clearly states on the Scheu website and in Germany to deal directly with them as no current dealers exist in the US, and potential customers are directed to them for this purpose. I'm not sure what the relationship is between Scheu and Audio Advancements. It may be just fine but this might be of concern to some.
3rd, It seems to me to be a difficult comparrison to make between the two models, Teres/Scheu, because Teres has so many models to choose from, a nice thing to have available but lots of decisions and choices to make. I realize this makes sense from an upgrade point of view.

So, I'm still in a state of indecision only because any good honest evaluations on the Scheu did not seem to come forward, but some very positive comments regarding the Teres units. Perhaps a good sign, but a little more info on the benefits or shortcomings of the Scheu would be illuminating.
There's no one's audio advice I'd trust more than Twl's, period. And, I've come across no one who avoids personal antagonisms and unwarranted preferences more thoroughly. I am grateful for his help, and am hardly alone in that.
