I notice liquid cables are being talked about a bit at the moment so thought I'd share my experience.

I come from a somewhat cable sceptic background. After playing with modest cables I felt there were differences but it was all pretty subtle. The best I came across were Anti-cables which with everything I've seen seemed to offer slightly greater clarity. They've stayed in my system for the past 3 years as it's evolved.

I run an Emm Labs, Muse amp (very underrated)and Kharma speakers with just an XLR between the electronics. I was offered the opportunity to try a Teo XLR in an unfamiliar system a little while ago and was surprised at the difference it made so at the earliest opportunity I tried them in mine.

I've had them for over a week now and have been surprised at just how big a difference they've made. In a system that I've been very happy with the greater decay and body to notes is a revelation. They've added a more natural perspective that I didn't know I was missing. Very impressive.

Showing 25 responses by glory

I have both AM Clairvoyant and Teo STD IC's. The Teo is a far superior design and far out runs the AM cable.
So AM and Teo was head but what was the model of each cable? Like me saying I drove a Ford/Chevy but the VW was better.

What model AM/ Teo cable did you have/listen to?

Just when you fire off a doctrine on where a cable is built determines if it up to snuff some dude goes in his closet and builds a kick as AC cable that is light years ahead of the big wigs. Have one in my system right now.

I would think that staying in the middle of your thinking on wire would get more members to heed your wisdom. I really would like to hear this wire if indeed it beat out the STD Teo IC/digital cable. How do I demo it?
I did some Dick Tracy and Xyz is not a dealer but has found a cable he digs and has a joy posting about it. The Zu Def4 is a revelation and I don't blame him for his praise of this speaker.

I will A/B the HiDiamond with my Teo and report back. Teo is the best cable I have had in my system.

Last but certainly not least; are they being built in a proper factory or someone’s garage and how do they sound

Why pay top dollar for a cable that is built in a garage/house when there are serious companies investing time and money into R&B

I bought a Dale Pitcher made AC cable running dac/transport and if you heard it you would piss your pants LOL.

It was made in his closet!!
A power bridge is in the middle of the cable and it has two cables coming out of it to run to components.

For the 4 or so that own these cable to praise the cable here on the Gon would fall on deaf ears.

Big factory and R&D reminds me of a company that has 3rd Generation quantum tunneling to enhance their cables. Ding ding.

Long live the closet builders!
Xyz says

I have owned several brands of “liquid cables”. The number one problem I noticed was that 2 identical cables from the same manufacturer did not sound exactly the same. Second was, what liquid was actually in the cable; most manufacturers do not even want to tell you so can my dog die if he bites it or even worse can my son die if it leaks out.

Talking to Teo today and they have told me that there is nothing toxic in the cable that would kill a dog of harm a child. They would never sell a toxic cable to the public!

All models are built the same and sound the same.

It takes some time for the cable to warm up just like a tube amp to sound its best. 30 mins is a good warm up time.
Dick Tracy work Exposed.

Spoke with the Distributer named Bob of HD cables in Canada and he said he knew XYZ (Dave Marrow, may have the last name off) and that he knew he had the HD cables.

A Pinocchio happening

XYZ writes

personally bought my cables directly from the manufacturer in Italy about 2 years ago; I didn't even know there were any dealers for HiDiamond. All I can say is this is the most emotional sounding cable I have owned.
So Xyz the Distributor Bob in Canada says he knows you but you write you didn't know there was a distributor and you bought direct from HD.

Are you Pinocchio?

I almost bought a HD Digital cable to run against my Teo because of your praise of HD but if you are working with Bob than I am not a happy camper.

Do you know him or not!!!
Ride writes about Teo

I notice and miss it when I take it out of my system...

Once I found/heard Teo cables I knew I had found my go to Reference cable for the long haul. Had many different wires in my system and they all did the same old same old with different ways to use Copper/Silver/Gold etc... Teo stepped out of the design box and Created a cable that I can live with for many years to come.
No need to do that as hearing on the outside is what counts. Natural/organic and has a Liquid (LOL) mid-range with a lingering extension of the notes of the music. Weight/body and emotion in spades. A tube sound without the rolled off top end.

Someone had a bad experence with the owners of Teo and thus a negative feedback is going on.

I never said you did have a run in with Teo but the ex distributor (in Canada) for Teo did and you know him and he you and both of you are from Canada. He sells Zu speaker and you rave about them and he sells HiDiamond and you rave about them to be the best wire ever. You knock Teo so 3 different happening here adds up to a toxic smell.
Wow pride comes before a fall my friend.

30 years of your testing to my little 30 days is a battle I can not win. You far more superior than I and will bow out of this thread.

So you are King for the day.


That was a great read LOL.

Chocolate given to some dogs can kill them. Almost lost my Toy Fox Terrier when guests we had over allowed them to get into their chocolate.

No chocolate in my cables Please.

Sounds like tubes in a cable. Rich/3d/tonality spot on/instruments sound real on digital playback. Quiet with a more rounded fuller sound than most cables.

It think the Moonie reviewer was spot on with his review of the Teo.

Have the Teo Spdif digital cable and Stage 3 Concepts Magnus Prime IC. The S3 silver IC gives a more focused/faster sound than the Teo IC. So far the digital has not been beat yet. I have S3 top of the line 6.3K LOL digital coming in for demo so the Teo cable has a strong contender as best in my system.

If you want to try them let me know Norm.

Will report back.

I would be very slow to write such things about toxic Teo cables as they are not true.

Read and study real hard before you make such claims. Maybe even contact Teo before you shoot yourself in the foot again. You sound foolish when you write such things you know not of.

You fell for the HD cable hype from XYZ that Ghost has clearly uncovered and ordered them. I hope you enjoy them and as much as we Teo owners enjoy ours. You will have to worry about them leaking Italian wine though. =8^D

22 has given enough info to put one at ease concerning a leaky toxic Teo cable. It's just is not there. Can we move on and please report back your feedback on the HD cables you have coming on the praise of XYZ.

If you want I can send you my Teo STD IC to A/B. =8^D

Have you ever had/heard the Teo cables?? You seem to be more concerned about toxic Teo than Teo Audio an incredible sounding cable made know by owners who have written in with positive feedback.
So you see if you were to use chocolate in your cables and a dog were to chew into it and consume it and die it would be more toxic than indium.

Raisins are also toxic to most dogs so when I upgrade to the Reference cables please no raisins in the mix.

Sabai you should take a listen to the Teo cables. You just might unload the LL.

By the way I am a freak when it comes to organic.

All organic foods, pure water/air/soaps of all kinds.
No drinking/smoking/drugs
Work out in the gym 6 days a week.

And I enjoy my Teo cables.

The air you take in and food you eat , water you drink to me are more toxic than Teo cables.

I 2nd your thoughts on the Teo STD IC. When you hear them all this toxic stuff seems silly.

You are like a CDP stuck on repeat over this toxic phobia you have. Let it go dude let it go and enjoy your HD cables.