Tenor amps..."to pre or not to pre"

I am the proud owner of Tenor Audio 75wi OTL’s and, as one of the first few individuals with the amps in the US, have had time to do quite a bit of experimenting. Some of my findings have been that they have made virtually every speaker I have hooked them up to sound better than I have ever heard said speakers sound before. Of course I have been careful to match them with OTL friendly transducers. Many have extolled the virtues of the Tenors and I would only be repeating those sentiments, so I won’t

Like many others I have also tried the Tenors with several active pre-amps including:
Lamm L-1
Wytech Opal
Levinson 32
Burmester 935 MKII spec.
Blue Circle BC-3000
And both the Placette VC and 3 input passive.

In ALL cases I preferred the cdp (Burmester 979/980, AA Capitole MKII) run directly to the Tenors (with the Burmester, I preferred the Tenors VC... with the AA I prefer to use the AA’s VC). In ALL cases I could quickly tell that I had inserted a new box and attendant cables between the source and amp. In ALL cases any gain in dynamics (minor at best…best with the Opal) was more than offset by a noticeable loss of transparency and overall musicality. There was less there there.
I became convinced that NO pre-amp was the best pre-amp in this set-up (and perhaps any set-up) and had committed myself to shift attention to other places in the system to try and find gains (yes I know…I can never leave well enough alone). I was also well aware that this was the sentiment of most if not all Tenor/AA owners as well as the owners of various other gear.

Finally to my point!!

This all changed when a friend introduced me to a local dealer (JC Audio) who began extolling the virtues of the Audio Note line of pre-amplifiers…specifically the M-5 and M-6.
“Kurt you’ve got to try these…they will be different”, “yeah, yeah Joe, I’ve heard that before” was the common thread of our early conversations. Well, after some time, I broke down and agreed to try one more pre-amp, the Audio Note M-5.
To make a long story short (or is that, an already long story longer) I now own an Audio Note M-5. The reason is simple…everything got better in my system when the M-5 went in. More dynamic, more transparent (how could that be?), more musical. I didn’t just do a quick A/B to determine my preference, I listened for weeks to all kinds of music, trying to trip up this pre-amp and find it’s weakness…never could. It played everything I threw at it with aplomb. It sounds terrific at low volume and with the pedal down.

I don’t know if the Audio Note M-5 is the best pre-amp (as a matter of fact it can’t be because there is an M-6 and then an M-8 in the AN line) but I can say that to this guys ears and in this guys system it is the only pre-amp I’ve tried that has been better than no- pre-amp.
Based on my experience, I encourage all Tenor owners (and those with other amps who have given up on pre’s) to give this pre-amp thing another try….I’m very glad I did.

My system:
RPM1 table, RPM 2 arm, 47 lab/Miyabi cart., 47 Lab Phono
Hovland Music Groove 2
AA Capitole MKII
Audio Note M-5
Tenor 75wi
Audio Note AN/E-SEC silver speakers
Jena Labs cables
Elrod PC’s
Bybee Triple Sucker PLC
4-20amp dedicated lines
Zoethecus amp and component stands

Musical preferences:
Jazz 60%
Classical 40%

Disclaimer – I have no interest of any kind in JC Audio, Audio Note or Tenor or anything except good sound for that matter

Showing 3 responses by mikelavigne

Kurt, i too am a "no active preamp" Tenor owner. my list of preamps easily bettered by the Tenor passive attenuators (or the Placette RVC) in my system includes the Levinson #32, Lamm L2, and the Aesthetix Calisto. friends with Tenors have tried others such as the Tom Evans Vibe and the CJ ART II with the same result. all these excellent active gain stage preamps work well in many systems and have earned their reputations. but to my ears the Tenors simply are better 'nude' in my system.

i am curious what the AN preamp might be doing that is so different from other excellent active gain stages. i wonder if system synergy could be at work (with the AN speakers) or simply personal preferences. in any case i'll look forward to possibly hearing the Audio Note M-5 (or M-6 or M-8) at CES and finding out for myself.

thanks for sharing your experience.
Kurt, i keep hearing abouit this transformer coupling with passives.....i guess i'll just have to check the AN out and keep my mind and ears open.

i also always try to avoid any definative statements and keep to the "personal experience" track.....music, after all, is a subjective experience.

thanks for the explaination.
Jerry, on the one hand i am entirely happy with the Placette passive.....on the other hand if there is better out there.....

i do absolutely demand remote volume control (i'm real lazy) and balanced circuts (low output cartridge and relatively low output phono stage needs the additional 6db of gain; conversly an active gain stage may eliminate my need for balanced).....but still if i get a chance i'll check out the AN M-5 and the Wyetech Opal.....and thanks on the letter (it will be my first and last letter to any editor).

i respect Peter Q of AN but no remote volume control is a cop-out to me....i know many esoteric preamps don't have it....but it just lowers the relaxation that music brings me and the pleasurable experience of listening. what i am saying is that any preamp without a remote volume control will have to be a good deal better than my passive to have a chance with me.