Tenor 75 w/ Sonus Faber Amati Homage?

I'm curious if anyone has mated these two components? If not has anyone had experience driving the Amatis with lower power OTLs?

I know the Tenors prefer a stable, 8 ohm load. The Amatis, while fairly efficient at 92db sensitivity, are rated at 4 ohms.

Any insight, or experiences? Thanks in advance.

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I run my Amati with BAT VK-75SE, but my room is not that big (14x18) and I don't crave for absolute lowest octave. I know at least one guy who has success running Amati with Tenor OTL, he had his Amati in a huge studio and Tenor had no problem filling the space. I didn't get to hear his setup before he sold his entire system.

However, I do think Amati can benefit from more power. I recently picked up a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 with KT-88, I like the sound as much once I have some NOS 6922 in it and bass weight is significantly better than BAT. Sonic Frontiers Power 2/3 are the biggest bargain of this century, they sound head and shoulder better than ARC VT series of any version. I had VT-100 Mk 1 & 3 and friend let me borrowed his Mk 2 in the past, they all sound "broken" when compared to Sonic Frontiers Power series.

If you don't mind solid state, I recommend you look into Pass X.5 series and Edge gears.