Tenor 75 w/ Sonus Faber Amati Homage?

I'm curious if anyone has mated these two components? If not has anyone had experience driving the Amatis with lower power OTLs?

I know the Tenors prefer a stable, 8 ohm load. The Amatis, while fairly efficient at 92db sensitivity, are rated at 4 ohms.

Any insight, or experiences? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by fjn04

I had the Tenor with the Verity Parsifal and it drove it, but
not to the effect that higher powered tube amps did for me.
It did have a very nice midrange though. I would say a sufficient pairing for acoustic music, but left me wanting
with harder hitting stuff. I think the advice of 8ohm and
92 db is not far off the mark.