Tenner and Friedl

Ran across a couple of speakers in the 8-10K range which get good reviews.  Unfortunately neither is sold in the New England area.  Has anyone heard the Tenner and Friedl Orisis?  QLN Prestige Three?
I would be  pairing with a  Leben tube amplifier.

Showing 1 response by gmercer

If you are ever in the NYC area, the local T&F dealer brought the Osiris' in last year. I imagine they are still there. I have not yet listened to them, but have heard both the Ra's and Isis's, and based on those experiences have become a real fan of the brand.

The Osiris' are newer than the Ra's. As such I would hope and guess they possess much of the magic, which above all else is to say imaging. The T&F speakers really, really paint a picture. On good recordings you can see, and feel, it all right there in front of you. Depending on what you are used to, the Osiris may be a little light on bass & might benefit from a subwoofer. They are (very) tube friendly speakers.
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