Tempted to buy a Macintosh

I am quite tempted to buy a Macintosh amp, and would like to learn more about it.

I have a Almarro 318B (18W) integrated and a Triode Lab 2A3 integrated.  For speakers, I have a set of Zu Omen Def I and Spatial Audio X5.  I haven’t heard a Masintosh in person.  I mainly like its retro look.  From reviews, I heard it has a very smooth sound, which may match with my listening preference.  I only listen to Jazz and Bossa Nova with low-medium volume.  And my questions are:

1) My speakers are efficient speakers and I listen in low volume.  So, I don’t need and want big power.  Is Macintosh a good match to my speakers?  I have no interest to change my speakers for now.

2) my budget is around $3000 for used equipment.  That is not a lot for a Mac.  So, it seems I would go for an integrated.  

3) I like tubes, but it seems Macintosh is more a SS brand.  And it seems there is no tube integrated.  The entry level MA252 is a hybrid with a tube preamp and SS amp.  I listen to some your tube video and it sounds great.  But of course, can’t draw any conclusion base on YouTube videos.  Is that a good choice to step into Macintosh world?  Or people would suggest to go different routes to get the full potential of Macintosh?  That is all SS, or separate tube pre amp (e.g. Coincident or Supratek) and power amp (MC275)?

Showing 1 response by iopscrl

You use SET amps now, with max power of 18wpc.   How much power do you want from an upgrade ?    You have a Triode TRV 2a3 amp.  Have you considered moving up in the Triode line ?   Triode TRV-845SE is an 845 integrated that can deliver about 25wpc.  The offer a new parallel 300b amp that is rated for 22wpc.  The also a few amps using EL34 and KT88 tubes, for more power.

Given your tastes and setup, I would recommend vintage MAC equipment.  With $3000 you should be able to find a pr of Mc30 monoblocks, MC225 or MC240 stereo amps; all having been serviced.

All have level controls so you can connect a source component directly to the amp (or through a passive preamp).

I have experience with many MAC tube amps (currently use restored MC225 and MC240), and SS amps (6100 / 6200 / 2100 / 2105 / 250 / 2505). Many extol the virtues of the MC275.  It is a good amp, but the lower powered Mac amps sound better.   

A sideways recommendation would be a restored Eico HF81.  This is a 6bq5 based integrated amplifier.  It will deliver about 15 wpc.  I have a restored unit (ALL new caps, resistors, wiring etc).  It sounds sublime within its limits.   You may also investigate restored vintage Fisher, Scott, Sherwood integrated amplifiers.  Key is to be sure any unit has been carefully restored by a competent tech with a good reputation.

Vintage MAC holds value, as do the other vintage units I mentioned.   All will probably continue to appreciate in value over time.   Benefit here is if you don't like what you hear, you can resell for what you paid or even a little more.  Your only cost is time !    How rare is that in this hobby ?