Template for Mounting Plate for 1007/1008 BE to use with Aria 900 Stands

I've recently picked up a nice set of Focal 1007Be's from a friend and couldn't decide on which stands to use with them.  I ended up pulling the trigger on a set of Focal Aria stands (truly outstanding build quality, sand-fillable and beautiful BTW).

Knowing that the mounting plate on top would be too small for my needs from the get go, I did some careful measuring and drew up a template for a new top mounting plate to work with the Focal 1007/1008 Be's.  I have the mounting plates currently being fabricated by a local machinist.  They should be done in a few days.  Once the project is done and I can confirm that everything is hunky-dory, I will be happy to share the template with anyone who might be interested in using it to do this for themselves.   Just respond to this discussion and let me know. 

The mounting plate will bolt directly on top of the stand where the Aria mounting plate would typically be .  It is shaped to match the bottom flat trapezoidal shape/area of the 1007/8 and has precise holes to mount the speakers onto the plate to keep them securely attached.  Once I'm completely done with the project, I will be happy to share pics and any relevant info pertaining to the project.  

Just trying to pass along some good Karma...
