Tell about your experience with your old Audio-Technica SL-1200s..

I've had an SL-1200 MKii for about 40 years now - did some KAB upgrades, added a Hana SL cartridge (have a Shure V15 MR Type V as well with the original and a new JICO stylus).  Was thinking about an upgrade to a GR or something else around $2k-$3k and wanted to know, if you came from an old 1200, where did you go from there?  Did you go anywhere?  What did you gain from your next turntable?  Did you keep your old one and are you currently using it as a lazy susan?   I had been considering a tonearm upgrade as a possible option but it looks as if the SME and Jelco arms are disappearing fast or are going for crazy prices.  I understand that if you've never had one, you have no basis on which to make a comparison, but if you have something that knocks your socks off that doesn't require a second mortgage, please share.

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Seems you've got the tt's naming conflated, and therefore confusing.  Do you mean a Technics SL-1200?  Or an Audio-Technica LP120?