Telarc recording quality

I have several Telarc CDs, some classical and some jazz, the jazz being mostly Tierney Sutton's recordings. I am always amazed (and delighted) at the quality of the recordings. Sutton's CDs, in particular, are clean with an immediate sound, so to speak, as well as being superbly balanced and focused.

What is it that Telarc does so well that others don't? Or, are my ears really screwed up?!

Showing 3 responses by cpdunn99

Well, this is interesting! Maybe I prefer that "clinical" sound? However, I don't generally think I do. Rcprince: I found the immediacy to be there, not lost.

The consensus, thus far, seems to be that Telarc, like other labels, is a mixed bag. I'm going to listen more closely to some of mine and see if I can pick up what you are all referring to. Thanks!
Rc and Tonyp: yes, it is about the music, and that's sage advice. I hadn't notice the volume thing; namely, that the sound seems to clear up at higher volumes, etc. I'll check that out tonight (with a little single malt... umm.. yeah, mixing threads there).
Don't know the answer to your question, Irishdog. But the more I listen to the Tierney Sutton catalog, the more I like them! With this artist, at least, they are doing something right, at least MY ears think so.