Tekton versus Klipsch


I am exploring tube amp friendly speakers.

I have listened to Cornwall 4's and Goldenear 2's.

Can anyone share how the sound of the Tektons, say Double Impacts, would compare to the other two brands?

Thanks for listening,


Showing 2 responses by rushfan71

I have Tekton Double Impacts as well as Klipsch Forte II.

I have listened to both of them using my Primaluna Dialogue Premium separates. 

The major difference to me other than the bigger sound stage that the D.I's project'  is the lack of mid bass warmth and punch in the Klipsch by comparison to the Tektons

I use the Klipsch in a second system with Parasound separates.

It sounds like you have something seriously plaguing your system.

I find the Double Impact is pretty neutral. Sort of gives you what you throw at it.

I'll admit I have replaced the capacitors and resistors in my crossovers and did some cabinet treatment and now they sound more open and refined.

Im driving mine with Primaluna Dialogue Premium separates that's why I figured I would comment.

Changing the 2 center 12AU7's in your Evo 300 changes the sound considerably if you haven't tried that already. But you describing them sounding that bad is odd. 

I hope you figure it out