Tekton Lore VS NHT 2.5i

Tekton Lore vs NHT 2.5i ??? I don't think my 2.5i's are bright or too revealing,never heard A Tekton..




















































Got some Lores because of all the hype,Not even close to the NHT 2.5i . Nothing in there price range comes close...






Just picked up a pair of Tekton  Lores used for $600 with a small infinity sub woofer. Knocking on the speakers sounded hollow.I need to spend some time setting them up.Lisened to Roger Waters Amused to Death.I was sitting way off Axis.They sound good ???


2.5’s we’re a nice speaker for their time but I think you’re missing a lot of the music.
Many people like the Tektons I wound up going with the Spatial M3 Sapphires. Clayton is now making a smaller more affordable line as well. M4’s and M6’s. You might look into them. I love mine.