Tekton Impact

The Tekton Double Impacts have been receiving rave reviews, including here on AG. Has anyone heard the smaller, lighter, less expensive Impacts? How do they compare with the larger DIs?
I am very interested in the DI . I am purchasing   A line magnetic 508 and was looking hard at the Devore 096 but the  $12,000 is a lot of money for me.The double impacts are a fraction of the cost just wondering if it's worth the stretch for 096 Or if I would be satisfied with DI  does anyone live in the St. Louis area that would be kind enough to let me listen to the Tektons.?
@bobster50 You may want to ask your question over on the Tekton Double Impact thread.

I'm copying from a previous post of mine since it does address your question:

"I was holding off on purchasing Devore O/96s (an aspirational speaker for me, for some time). They retail at 12K. Though I would have loved to have brought a pair of the O/96s into my main system, the delta in savings has afforded me a Preamp, a Power Supply, and ALL new cabling." .... Something to consider.

Not saying that one speaker is better than the other. Just saying I'm very happy with my choice.
BTW, I did an extensive demo of the O/96 driven by Line Magnetic gear. This was at Sound by Singer. Coincidence?
There are some DI owners that are using Line Magnetic components, so if you already have one, I'd ask over on that thread and I think you will get good feedback regarding the pairing (if that is a concern or question).

I've got a Schiit Yggdrasil - Pass XP-20 Pre - and SST SoA 2 amp in the chain. 
I am stumped! The smaller Double Impact is called the Electron which is available in 4 or 8 ohms. I was about to pull the trigger and purchase only
to discover they retail at $3050.00, $50.00 dollars more than the much larger Double Impacts which weigh 106 lbs. The Electron's only weigh 62.5 lbs in a much smaller cabinet and smaller drivers. You would think at half the size the Electron's would sell at a lower price. I sent an email off to Eric and Karma asking what justifies the high price for speakers half the size, which is very uncommon with other speaker companies. So far,
I have not heard back from them.
I neglected to mention the Electron's base price at $3050.00 does not include the upgrade package at $300.00 which brings the price up to

FYI..I was recently informed by Karma that Tekton's best selling model is the EnzoXL. They get more order's per week for the XL's over any other model in their lineup. Probably due to the great review in Stereophile. 
Base price for the Electron is $2750. For some reason they are showing the upgrade price when you first open the Electron page. Click on the drop down menu by the price and you can see all of the prices.
Post removed 
Thanks for the correction csmgolf. Their newly revised site has only been
on line for the past two days and I never checked the price on the previous site. I'm in a dilemma between the EnzoXL and the Electron but leaning towards the EnzoXL due to its great price and the great review in Stereophile that the Enzo comes very close to the performance level of the $50K Wilson's.
Eric says the Enzo XLs as well as the Pendragons and SEAS Pens (my first choice but Eric talked me out of it) are not nearly as good as the DIs and the Electrons.  The info on the site for the Electrons is currently incorrect.  Eric stopped making the Electrons with 6 inch woofers and now has them with 8 inch woofers.  They are 2 inches taller and wider too.  They now also come with a plinth to widen the stance as to help them not to tip over.  I have the Electrons (speaker #35 and #36), yes he numbers and signs the back of his speakers. They are still HUGE speakers but the sound form them is heavenly at any level that is played.  

Strange no. 35 / 36 happen to be the serial number for my Electrons also.
Resurrecting for a question.  I’ve had the Tekton Impacts (not Double) for about a year.  I believe the woofer is an Eminence Alpha 10A.  Has anyone actually pulled a driver to confirm what the driver and ohm rating are?  I would like to try upgrading to a Beta 10A as at least one forum member has done with the Double Impacts, but I only see 8 ohm drivers online, and the speaker is rated at 4 ohms overall.  Just trying to avoid pulling the drivers twice.  

He’s where I got the idea!  Wish I could’ve bought his modified DIs.  Maybe I’ll shoot him a PM.  Thanks for the idea.