Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Showing 29 responses by mikirob

As always thank you for the stellar explanations regarding the microZOTl driving the DI. This thread has really made me re-think what is possible. I've been a fanboy of Eric Alexander for some time now and still own the Tekton original Lore as well as Micro Lore which are very good speakers. Not long ago I also acquired my brother's DeVore 0/96 and Harbeth HL5's. Both are phenomenal speakers in their own right; but I think I must try the DI with the MicroZotl stuff. Best, mikirob
As a student Tech Hifi was my go to source for audio in mid-70s, only in NJ, Route 4, Johnny Rutan of Audio Connection doing the demos and selling me if I remember correctly ESS, or Ohm speakers, plus, plus, breaking my bank account as well.

As for Eric Alexander I have been a fan of his excellent inexpensive speakers for some years now. I've owned his small single driver monitor as well as the Lore and Mini-Lore. All good for low-power SET or basically any decent amp. I am so happy for Eric's well-deserved breakthrough with the DIs and other new products. Congratulations Eric!!!

Over the course of time I have owned many great speakers, amps and ancillary equipment. Recently I was fortunate to acquire my brother's systems, DeVore 0/96, Harbeth HL5, Leben CS600s as well as some other interesting stuff. Now, l'm thinking I must hear the Double Impacts. And what if I like them better than the 0/96? Is that a real possibility? I thought I was done, the big "monkey coffin" (Dr. Gizmo) is quite excellent, am I back on the merry-go-round? I really believed the quest was over. Now, after reading this thread thoroughly, it dawned on me that it is like the new Wonder Woman movie, when you think you have won, it is not quite over. Or, as Yogi Berra would say, "it's not over till it's over," or something like that. Best all, mikirob 
Thank you for your feedback back to me. That you owned the Orangutan a while back, yet believe the Double Impacts are better is really helpful. You've had some excellent systems that I can relate too. My gut tells me I can trust your ears along with some others also posting here. Plus, I've had great experience with Eric's former endeavors. It looks like I will be purchasing the DIs in very near future. Best, mikirob 
When I owned Martin Logans I had to get rid of them because my could always discern the discontinuity between the woofers and panel. It drove her bananas. I also knew it was there, but ignored it for a time since I did not want to admit it and take the financial lumps. 

Thanks Almarg for your thoughtful, enlightening remarks. You are a stellar assest to this place. Best, mikirob
One of the best threads on Agon ever!

Always respect charles1dad, grannyring comments plus jcarcopo,Teajay, Kdude66, many others...bottom line what jcarcopo said, "As long as you're happy with the sound that's all that matters in the end." Trust your own ears. Best to all, mikirob 
As an owner of the Coincident Dynamo l'd like to echo charles1dad thoughts above. Right now I am listening to Aaron Copeland's "Music for Theatre in five parts for small orchestra" CD 42 in the wonderful 80 CD set of Leonard Bernstein works recommended above. Fabulous recording.

The Coincident Dynamo, with Gold Lion KT77s, RCA Red base 5691 (6SL7) and 5U4G sounds stunningly good with my DeVore Orangutan 0/96. The Coincident Dynamo also sounds quite good with my Tekton Lores and Mini-Lore; but, as Charles stated, the DHT, properly executed 300B will give you much more. If you can afford the Triode Labs or Coincident 300B amps is a great way to go. Best, mikirob
Well, "slightly" to "very nice improvement" I suppose is going to mean different things to different ears. Changing the MZ2S to pair with the Dynamo today required a room change from another system where I last listened to the Dynamo with the DeVores. Perhaps the room made the difference. I was doing this experiment on the fly. Nothing scientific or apples to apples. Best, mikirob
I am listening now, will report as soon as this piece is finished. Best, mikirob
First, let me say what I value most in music reproduction is tone, timbral accuracy, texture, density, weight of the orchestra, and less the musical artifacts of a recording. 

Second, while listening I turned my volume up from 10 to 12 o'clock. Too loud for my wife, she left the room, 18x20x9.

No matter the volume I had a well defined stage, wall to wall, with good depth. I could clearly/easily place the various instruments within that stage. I believe to my ears I heard the total orchestral texture, correct timbre, tone, weight of that orchestra. I think my Cary 280, 50 triode PP watts would slightly put a little more meat on the bones, my Primaluna Dialogue One less (sold both of those units).  I must say I enjoyed this piece by Hindemith immensely. I want to let you know top to bottom my combo got it all, very satisfied. Best, mikirob

p.s. I did not hook up my LTA preamp, just used the built-in volume control on the Dynamo. The Preamp would improve everything slightly from my experience. Also, as good as the DeVore's are I have a real burn to obtain the Double Impacts. I have too much good stuff right now including Harbeth HL5s, plus the older Tektons.
By-the-way, Danzon Cubano, CD72 sounds even better than the Hindemith, more dynamic, piano, near perfect, this is a Wow! Nice deep bass/drums/percussion. Best, mikirob
You are right; your comment prompted me to remove the Micro ZOTL from another system and connect it to the Dynamo. Better than slight improvement. Very nice improvement. Like Lancelock stated, "heavens opened up, angels sang." I really can't explain why I though otherwise. Probably not listened to the Micro ZOTL with Dynamo in too long a time; still, the Dynamo is very good on its own. And yes, the Dynamo responds extremely well to tube rolling.

I should also mention that my Dynamo has upgraded caps and resistors /power supply based on suggestions by Yazaki-san, the designer/mod-maven from Jeff Day's blog.

Charles, you are favorite poster along with grannyring and some others, such as Almarg. Always  respect your opinion and what you value in music. Best, mikirob
Also wishing you, and your family only the best, happy listening when you finally get clear of the current family health issues. Best, mikirob
were you the "Bill" to suggest the FryBaby2 to Jeff Day over on his Blog, if so, what do have cooking? Do you have any Dueland interconnect available. Pm if you like. Best, Rob
you're extremely late to the party; there is almost unanimous consent on here by both respected reviewer Teajay and others, actual multiple purchaser of Tekton DI who vouch for the DI. And, what does your purchase of Enzo speakers have to do with the current model DI? Nothing is the answer.

I am truly sorry for you if your tale is true; but it really has nothing to do with the Double Impacts or Ulfs. And yes, you have the right to voice an opinion from your experience. Yet it seems misplaced here and should be located in a thread discussing the Enzo.

I am a former professional musician from a family of musicians, some very well known. My wife is a classical guitarist. I have owned Tekton products from a single driver Fostex monitor, Mini-Lore, Lore. They are all excellent sounding buys for their category of dollars performing well above their cost. None were muddled.

I currently own a bunch of excellent performing speakers, DeVore 0/96, Harbeth SHL5, and some pretty good ancillary equipment such as Leben CS600, Cary 280v, SLP98, LTA MZ2s, etc., etc., and have had much good equipment in my systems over the past 50 years. I believe my hearing is excellent. What was your amplifier and ancillary equipment with Enzo? 

To sum up, this is a thread about the Double Impact, not Enzo. Everyone has a right to voice an opinion; but I will qualify that by saying your comments are misplaced in this thread. Best, mikirob
P.S. It is also a little weird that you want people to contact a dealer in Indiana to validate your claim. No one finds that request strange?
thank you for your excellent comments. Honest and fair based on your listening experience. You have a very nice set-up. Best, mikirob
Prayers with you, I'm normally in Boca Raton, but my wife and I currently are at our other house in GA, yeah, right on the coast. Likely headed to interior Ga...

I really enjoyed reading your post. Grannyring knows his stuff; if I can pull myself away from tubes I owe it to myself to try the Lyngdorf 2170. Best, mikirob
Hi charles1dad
I will report my findings should I pull the trigger on the Lyngdorf. Yes, I believe our ears and listening habits are extremely similar. Tone, timbres, texture, natural organic sound come first, other musical attributes next. Growing up with all the musicians in family, knowing what music sounds like live make it hard for me, or my wife to listen to a playback system that does not get us some semblance of the real thing. I do admire audio designers that give you much bang for the buck such Eric Akexander. On the other hand in 50 years I've heard more than my share of expensive audio; but nothing ever topped in my experience as very young dude one relative playing his L5 Gibson guitar with one of the greatest acts in Rock n' Roll live as well as in the studio.  Best, mikirob 

Also, I'm really in a fitful cogitation state, do I buy a DI, Baby Ulf? Sell my lesser stuff to relieve financial sting since I really have too much audio equipment as is.

Oh come on now, nothing teajay stated was an affront to grannyring; and I consider grannyring a magnificent knowledgeable poster, among the absolute best on Audiogon. Plus, I have purchased several of grannyring's superb power cable builds. I also think that between grannyring, teajay, charles1dad, and dare I say myself, the way we hear and what we like in recorded music is closely aligned. The nitpicks that differentiate us is interesting and worthy of discussion. I personally applaud the gentlemanly banter and appreciate the knowledge gained from it. The conversation has been respectful beneficial to all reading this excellent thread. Best, mikirob
I've been sitting on a fence post recently contemplating selling my DeVore 0/96s, Tekton Lore, Tekton M-Lore, keep my Harbeth SHL5 and take the plunge on one of the DIs with upgrades. Or, take the plunge on one of the Ulfs. I already own a LTA Mz2. Plus, Aric's KT88 might also be a great sounding cost effective measure to make beautiful music with Tekton. I'm always on the hunt for "best bang for buck" audio and designers like Eric and Aric provide ample opportunity to accomplish that goal. I suppose I'll be standing on this fence post awhile longer. Looking forward to the further comments.  Best, mikirob
Thank you for your post regarding your experience with the DIs. I'm truly sorry you are taking a hiatus from the Agon. I've been following you, charles1dad, Almarg, for several years now and feel extremely simpatico with you grannyring, in how you hear and what you value in musical sound, what I call timbral listening, a phrase/definition I borrowed from Jeff Day because he defines this type of listening to music best.

I admire your skill, thanks for the wire builds you did for me. I trust I can PM you from time to time to compare notes, perhaps implement future suggestions regarding mods. All the best, mikirob 
you're awesome. Thanks for sharing this mod with everyone on the A'gon. All the best, mikirob
Are you going to purchase the Perfect from Tekton? I'd like to know your results if you do purchase. I'm seriously thinking about testing them out myself. I currently use DeVore 0/96 in main system, that is what Perfect will be up against. I'm sort of waiting for teajay upcoming review. How to compare/contrast with his review of NSMT. As you might know I’ve owned three pairs of Tekton's older speakers, Lore, Mini Lore, and an early small single driver. All performed great. Best, mikirob
thanks for your reply. You have an exciting search in progress and I am sure you will reach your goals. Best, mikirob 
Like estuardo4 I thought better ask this question here as well...

Another Coincident Dynamo SE question: my current main system is DeVore Orangutan 0/96 with Leben CS600. It is my intention to pair a Coincident Dynamo SE (also own LTA MZ2) with the PERFECT speakers, Border Patrol DAC in a 14x17x9 room as second system. Do you think this system, PERFECT, will compare favorably with the DeVore's? Best, mikirob 
Thank you. I anticipate that this second set-up will be quite good. I trust teajay and most folks participating on this thread; but I would like a little more input from teajay specifically on the Perfect. The other thread on the PERFECT by teajay has become a horror show. Best, mikirob