Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Showing 50 responses by grey9hound

I do not know about the SE bout i have the DI with the upgraded cardas copper post and the upgraded coil. I can tell you that they sound like whatever you feed them.I can easily hear any equipment change or cable changes very easily .
Well, My DIs should be here on Friday.
There are Ferrari Red. The wife is out of town this weekend
She doesn't even know they are coming .
I wonder if i can get these out of the boxes and setup by myself ?
I also am using Lyngdorf Room Correction.
My pre is actually a McIntosh MX151 with RoomPerfect.
I have Emotiva XPA-1 Gen2 amps . I just sold my Purist Audio Dominus Fluid speaker cables in order to purchase the DIs. My system is mostly Purist Audio cables.I also use JRiver with .wav files. I use a Musical Fidelity V-Link2 USB to SPDIF converter with Purist Ultimate USB cable from Pc to V-link2.
From V-link2  to the MX151, I am using the Purist Audio Dominus Luminist Digital cable . Analog outs of the Mx151 to the XPa-1s is also the Purist Audio Dominus XLR Fluid cables. For now my speaker cables are the Voodoo Audio  cable reference speaker cables. The Power cord on the Mx151 is a Purist Audio Dominus Rev C Fluid .
I am hopeful that this will all sound Really good .
I know one thing , the Lyngdorf Room Correction is the best that i have ever heard .....Hands Down !
I just thought i would list all of the gear to see if anyone else is using any of the same cabling or gear and get their opinions.
I have on standby a buddy to help me move them in the house or set them up , on Saturday if i need it .
Thanks to all who have posted .
This thread is very informative.

I did mention to her a few weeks back ,that i was getting them, because i sold my cables.
She didn’t believe me when i told her that i got enough out of the cables to buy the speakers.
I forwarded the paypal paid invoice to her to prove that i did.
As long as i am not spending more money, but selling someting to pay for it she will be ok with it.
Her favorite color is red.
Besides it downsiars in the dedicated room.
I get to do my audio stuff and 70 inch tv down there
She gets the upstairs and the rest of the house to do with what she wants. We made a deal on tha years ago
I do not have the exact date in front of me ,but it has been a while.

You guys asked for Pics.
Here you go.
Keep in mind , I know the paneling is ugly, BUT, I keep it pretty dark down here. You really do not see it normally like it shows in in the pics, because of the flash.
I really hoped for the Grilles, but they are on Backorder.
I told the wife Thursday , about the speakers ,when I asked her to help me go pick them up from Fedex office . because they were due on Friday But, they got here a day early .
She wasn’t real happy, BUT , when I get the grilles I think she will be ok.
LOL. I am still alive.
Hurry on the Grilles ,ERIC....PLEASE

So far they sound good . I cannot make a judgement yet.
Its really funny that they sound more similar to the speakers i had there, than they  sound differently. I still need more time on them .Only 20 hrs or so for now. 
I had the Source Technology 2268 but upgraded the mid drivers  to the  SEAS Excel W18EX-001 (E0017) 7" magnesium Cone Woofer.
from the SEAS Prestige ER18RNX (H1456) 7" Reed Paper Cone Woofer  
tfoth, I've had my listening position as close as 6' from the DI's with very good results. My DI's are 6' apart and I now have my listening position about 8' away. The DI's allow for a lot of latitude with regards to positioning, room size and listening position
I Cannot remember where i got the info but, the distance that your speakers are apart , center to center Multiplied by a factor of 1.3 to 1.4 equals the ideal listening distance from the speakers.
I think mine are 79 inches apart and my listening position is about 103 inches from left speaker  to listening  position and 105 inches  from the right speaker to the listening position.
 The math says that it should be 102.7 to 110.6 inches
Is anyone out there  using any McIntosh solid state amps with the Double Impacts ? if so what are your results, or opinions of the combo ?
I am curious how an MC402 would sound .I am using A McIntosh  MX151 pre and i have not ran the Lyngdorf Room correction (Room Perfect) yet.. Actually it is still on. It was from my prior speakers. I am waiting for the Ds to break in.
I think I am almost there
I have purchased a Rogue Audio St-100 amp to drive my Double Impacts I had the Emotiva XPA-1 Gen2 mono block amps prior .
The Emotivas are lightning fast with Dynamics and Bass Slam that is out of this world and ,of course WAY  more power than ever  needed. The   Xpa-1 s have complete control of the Woofers , and have the start and stop control to the  Nth degree.
The only problem with the XPA-1 is that they can be very cold and sterile sounding at times  ,depending on the recording 
Enter the St-100.
It has 75-80 % of the Bass slam of the XPA-1s  , but also has a sweetness , or non-analytical, presentation that really shines. 
I would bet money , that many people would not know that it is a tube based amp, if they hear it without seeing or knowing  before hand.
The St100 has all of the best attributes of SS amps but gives you the smooth , sweet top end and Midrange  that only tubes an deliver.
In other words,  it pretty much has the bass slam of solid state with the smooth  sweet presentation that is only attainable from Tube amps.
Its early on, but do far the Rogue is a winner .
It seems this thread has turned into a personal discussion among about 6 select people 
Thanks for the replies . My comment about this thread being among 6 people or so ,was really about lately in the thread.
I had made 2 or 3 posts about my DI and the equipment and , it just seemed to me that everyone ignored them and kept on talking about the things that the few seemed to be talking about .
No hard feelings . It is just that when i got Zero response is when i felt it was a conversation only among the few .
Thanks again
Understood .It was not directed a you or any one in particular
I agree that this thread has been very informative . Don't get me wrong  .

I guess we all know by now ,maybe not ,that 
Walter Becker of Steely Dan died at age 67 on Sunday Sept 4th.
I told my wife that i  wanted to see them this next year .. before I DIE !
I never thought about one of them dying .
Of course I MUST mention that all of the Steely Dan and  Water Becker songs  are great on the Double Impacts . Try out some songs from  Two Against Nature ; Everything Must Go; Gaucho;
And Donald Fagen's "Morph The Cat" and "Sunken Condos" albums.
Also try some Bela Fleck and the Flektones on the Double Impact. especially songs from the   UFO TofuThree Flew Over The Cukoo's NestLittle Worlds;and  Flight Of The Cosmic Hippo albums.
Try also any of the Mushroom Jazz albums and the Verve Re-mix albums .....Great Stuff..

I could go on and on of course , but please try these and give us  your impressions,especially  if something stands out.

others on this lively thread are welcome to chime in.....But please don't try to convert me to tubes. I tried a modified Dyna-kit st-70 years ago and ...don't get me going. A real pain in the tochos for mushy sound. Excuse this ramble. It's late in Utah
I have a set of the Double Impacts with the capacitor, coill & binding posts upgrade in Ferrari Red BTW.
I am using a Rogue Audio St-100  , that i just got a couple of weeks ago  to drive them .
It uses four Kt-120s on the output and a pair of 12AX7s on the first stage , or input stage, and a pair of 12AU7s on the 2nd stage ,or driver stage .
 I replaced the stock 12AX7s with some NOS Telefunken ribbed plates from the 60s and WOW......It is Absolutely Glorious sounding .
I have the Bass slam , speed ,and articulation of  a solid state amp , but with the Tube magic everywhere..
If you did not know any better you would say that it is the sweetest solid state amp that you ever heard.
In fact it is the best amp that i have heard .
read the reviews
Scroll to the middle of the page on the link for the reviews

35 posts
09-14-2017 7:20pm
My purely biased answer is that Single Ended Triode tube amplification is the best sounding for any emotional meaningful reasoning in sound presentation.

Generally speaking, solid-state is a compromise IMHO, but more specifically, Push-Pull amps are a compromise regardless of whether it's tube or solid-state.  Even the best class A Solid-State doesn't compare to Single Ended Tube Amplifier sound quality-wise.  I prefer 8-10w 300b variants.

This is purely subjective of course, but I'm not alone in this camp.  
Generally speaking tubes are a compromise IMHO .My point here is that the Rogue Audio ST-100 comes closer to giving you the best of both worlds,compared to other tube amps.Not many amps can do this  .It has some nice solid state attributes,such as , Speed , Dynamics, Articulation and Bass Slam., but it  also has the qualities that you look for in tubes, such as Presence, realness ,smoothness, imaging ..etc
There is LESS of a trade off in either direction.
I agree that Sound Quality is also quite subjective .  

There’s nothing more embarrassing then correcting someone’s language only to realize that your correction contains its own error. Like maybe the one in our first sentence. Did you see it? That harmless little four-letter word then. It should have been than.

People get tripped up on then and than all the time—and why not? They look and sound so similar, and both words function as linguistic workhorses—then is most often an adverb, while than is usually a conjunction—which means that we mostly use them to connect more obviously significant nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

The way to keep the pair straight is to focus on this basic difference: than is used when you’re talking about comparisons; then is used when you’re talking about something relating to time.

Than is the word to choose in phrases like smaller than, smoother than, and further than. And it’s the word that follows other, rather, less, and more.

Then—the option to choose when time is involved—fits in the phrases just then and back then, and after words like since and until. It’s also in the phrases and then some, every now and then, and even then.

I am in Knoxville,TN .
If there is anyone out there , who would like to hear the Double Impacts with the upgrade LMK,The upgrade consists of :
Cardas inputs, Mil-Spec internal wiring, ClarityCap within the tweeter section. Includes an oversized Jantzen or Erse Sledgehammer inductor (depending upon real-time availability) within the woofer section).
I am also using the Excellent Rogue Audio ST-100 amp.
It is the best amp that i have ever heard. It is perfect for the Double Impacts. I honestly do not know how it could get any better.
It is Jaw-Dropping .
I understand that completely , but my (MX151) doubles for 2 channel and Home Theater. Please don’t think that because it is a Pre/pro it is lacking as to compared to a 2 channel pre-amp ,because it is not. At a cost of 12,500 when new , it had better be good , and... it is.
I had just talked to Chuck @ McIntosh Labs Friday. I had a called him to see which of the 2 channel pres might have a better DAC than the MX151, and out of all of them , he said that there was only one , and I cannot remember if it was the C2600 or the C52.
That was only 1 out of all of them that Chuck Hinton ,thought was better, plus you get Lyngdorf room correction .
Grannyring can tell you all about Lyngdorf and how well it works.
So, just to confirm ,I live in Knoxville, TN
I own the DIs and the Rogue Audio St-100 and I invite anyone who wants to come by,to stop and have a listen.
Come on over Grannyring 

@ porscheracer
I am using a McIntosh MX151 Pre-amp.It comes with the Lyndorg Room Correction software.McIntosh calls it "RoomPerfect".
It is Fantastic.

Cables used are Mostly Purist Audio design.
I am using a pc with JRiver Media Center.
I was using a usb to spdif converter It was USB (Purist AudioUltimate USB cable )out of the PC to the Musical Fidelity V-link2 (usb to spdif converter).Then the (Purist Dominus Digital) from there to the input on the MX151.
I am now using HDMI out of the PC to the input of the Mx151.
here is where i have a cheap hdmi ,and i am looking to get a new HDMI.
Possibly the Purist Audio HDMI, The VooDoo Silverstream High-Speed HDMI 1.4e ,or the Wireworld Silver Starlight HDMI.
Out of the MX151 to the St-100 amp is a Pair of Purist Audio Dominus Fluid XLR Interconnects.I have one each of the purist Audio Design Fluid Power Cable on the Mx151 and on the Rogue Audio St-100.
I was using the Purist Dominus Fluid Speaker cables, but i sold them for $3000 and bought the Tekton Double Impacts with the upgraded cap and coil, and cardas binding posts .
Right now i am using the Voodoo Audio Reference speaker cables ,but
I also have a pair of Sonoran Desert Plateau speaker cables .
these are made by Star Sound technologies.
They also make the Sistrum Apprentice stands you guys have been talking about.
A friend of mine uses the real big ones under his 12 inch Tannoys driven by a pair of MC30 Mac amps.
The purist cables for sale is the Purist Audio Design Dominus Luminist Revision Digital RCA 1.5 meter
Also the Purist Audio Design Ultimate USB Luminist revison 1 meter
I only have the McIntosh MX151 Pre/pro with Lyngdorf .The amps is the outstanding Rogue Audio ST-100
I do not have any Mac amps , but i too ask about this many pages prior 
Thank you grannyring.
I think you are spot on as far as the sound goes. The setup with the DIs is not warm or wet tubey sounding .even with the Rogue St-100
It sounds real .It is not a "romantic" sounding setup. I have had cables and gear that lends to that , but the other thing is that ,with the 60s Telefunken 12AX7 tubes  that i put in the St-100 , , everything is "clearly" there and laid bare ,so to speak..They are very revealing especially in the top to upper mids.
I think that with different equipment you could get a warmer , tubey sound.The Rogue ST-100 is not warm and tubey sounding .
It has just enough tube character to be smooth. never harsh  and slightly sweet , but only slightly, and  not at all syrupy sweet though..The rogue has the Dyanmics and punch of a solid state amp.
I think the speakers would sound sweeter and more romantic if they were feed that kind of gear. As a matter of fact I think they tend to reveal what your gear is .. good or bad .
I personally love the  the St-100 because of its traits and the Double Impacts reveal that nicely IMO.
Thanks again Bill
I am using a cheap hdmi from the JRIver to the MX151.
I just recently moved to hdmi away from usb .
I ordered a Purist Audio HDMI last Thursday .
I was running Purist audio Ultimate  usb to a usb to spdif spdif converter and a Purist Audio Dominus digital  to the MX151.
I must admit it was a more laid back sound that way, before i switched to  HDMI  , but the new HDMI will be here next week.
Oh,BTW the Power cables on the MX151 and ST-100 are the Purist Audio Design Dominus  Fluid  cables. The Analog cables from the MX151 to the Rogue are the Purist Audio Dominus Fluid XLR. 
The JRiver files were ripped as .wav files and they are sent over to the Mx151  on HDMI as PCM files. So the DAC in the MX151 is the one doing the Digital to Analog. I had jRiver upsampling everything to 64Bit 192KHZ. We actually turned it off and played regular .wav files and some mp3, with no upsampling, but there was no difference in sound .
The MX151 does not and will not play a pure unadulterated analog signal without doing an A to D conversion.
This is because of Roomperfect.
@teajay i feel that the MX151 is Musical and one reviewer said that it was lush sounding.I do not think it is overly warm or colored like some pres might be.
Also it may not be as musical as some dedicated 2 channel pres, obviously.,but i would not say that it is not musical.
What does Musical mean to you ?
I had the Mx121 and thought it was not nearly as good .
What other equipment and did you have with it .

I just want to say that I do not think the DIs or McIntosh or Purist Audio is forward sounding.I think there is more of an immediacy, live , in the room with you ,sound from the DIs and the Rogue St-100
When i was using the Purist usb and purist digital, with  the Mcintosh, I thought that the sound was a little  too distant.
Although once I changed to the HDMI, things did sound more forward.
I think it has to do with the cheap HDMI i am using.
I was probably turning it up too loud for Bill, as he was in the Sweet spot and i was not. I think that also may have contributed to his feeling of a forward sound.
I am calling you a fool because you came to a decision about the speakers, without ever hearing them.You called them a fad. Here today gone tomorrow you said.

Quality comes at every level and quality cost money at every level. Some of the statements proclaiming it beat out designs in the 30-40k range seem to really stretch it a bit. I suspect these statements are based more on infatuations with with the design concept and the sonic results than the quality level of the presentation. I don’t thing speaker manufacturers who produce speakers costing many times their price have to worry! In fact I doubt manufacturers at this price point are loosing any sleep over them either.

You SUSPECT someone who says that they beat out 30K speakers, are just infatuated with the design concept and the sonic results more than the quality of the presentation.... HUH. ?. That statement is a huge OXYMORON . . If the design concept is good and you are infatuated with the sonic results of it ,then that is a quality presentation.
What is the quality level of a presentation ????. If it sounds good sonically , then that is a high quality presentation.
Then you say "you don’t think that speaker manufacturers who make speakers costing many times more have to worry."
In the next sentence you say that "IN FACT you DOUBT" that speaker manufacturers are losing any sleep over the Tektons.
That is quite the Oxymoron. All of your statements here are.
And you wonder why i call you a FOOL.....????
Well you have made it quite obvious .

You are SOO Wrong. 
Don't be a fool. You cannot come to the conclusion that you have without hearing the speaker !
You make your self a fool with your writings and assumptions 
aniwolfe312 posts01-24-2018 9:58pm@treebeard1

Supposedly the change is tied to the SN#. You need to contact Tekton with the SN# and they will tell you.

Here’s a video summary on the resistor change

If you are using anything with equalizer capabilities , such as JRiver, you can lower the 600hz and the 1khz by about 1.5 db to 2 db(depending on how forward your amp pre-amp and cable combination sounds ) for very close to the same results,without having to install any resistor.
It seems to lower ,IMO,mostly the vocals area. This lowering of these frequencies allows the bass to become more prominent. I think this is a desirable effect for most people.
I actually have mine at -1.5 db for each of those frequencies.
Seems to work well for me .

You had also changed out your 6.5 inch drivers, and admittedly lost some deep bass in doing so,therefore, I can see why you would prefer them with the resistor.
Because of this ,they are not the same Double Impact speaker that the rest of us have .
I sent the link for the video to Eric, and ask him if that guy in the video was correct.
His reply was Yes.
He told me exactly what aniwolfe said
" Yip. And it’s far from necessary... only good for small rooms... and for DI speakers produced between June-October last year"
I think mine sound fine either way.It is just a matter of preference .
my room is pretty small.
I have the Lygndorf room correction which helps with the small room ,  tremendously.
Personally ,I think that the ONLY reason Eric would tell you 3 weeks even if it is going to take 6 is, because he is afraid you won't buy if it takes that long... I think some people would change their mind.
Just my opinion on that
As far as Amps go ,I am using the Rogue Audio St-100 with 1950s Mullard Long Plates in the 12AX7 positions ... Unreal Bass with liquid Mid range . Highly detailed , but not bright.
Purchased from Andy at Vintage Tube services. While not cheap, they are the best small signal tubes that I have heard . Andy’s description
" The warmest ,most liquid , but still detailed 12AX7 ever made ".
I believe it !!
This week I’m getting AricAudio’s new Push-Pull amplifier in for review. Since, Aric’s SET amplifier, which I have already reviewed, was superlative, it will be very interesting to see how his new Push-Pull design will sound on the Tekton Speakers (Ulf’s and Impact Monitors). I’ll run it in Triode mode with EL-34’s which will produce around 20 watts per channel. Aric believes he has gotten a lot of the SET magic in this amplifier, which of course offers almost double the power.

I think the JJ Blue Glass KT88s sound the best IMO.
I had the Transcend Push./Pull in for a Demo.
Is it the one with the 5U4G Rectifier for the Power Supply .Audyn true Copper Coupling Caps , 6Sn7 ouput tubes ?
It sounds GREAT. especially in Triode Mode
Really cool that you can adjust the amount of feedback which alters the sound,especially in the bass and the "cleanness" of the sound 

I am in Knoxville,TN.I have a pair of DI with the upgrade package and the DI , center channel .The one with four 6 inch drivers and 7 tweeter array .http://www.tektondesign.com/center-channel.html
Call me or text me .We can arrange a date and time 865-208-2170
I am currently using The McIntosh  MX151 with Lyngdorf Room Correction (RoomPerfect).My amp is currently the Rogue Audio St-100. Mostly Purist Audio cables. Amp could be the mcIntosh MC30s ,depending on when you come , I have ordered them from Yves Beauvais at Vintage Vacuum Audio.
He goes through them and replaces all components, with the correct updated ones. Check out anyone who has bought them... especially over on the Steve Hoffman Forums. They are Wonderful Amps. Once he applies his MAGIC to them they are not cheap, but worth every penny .
Well Bill, If you ever get that chance again to come to Knoxville , don't hesitate to give me a shout and come and hear it .
I would value your opinion , and would bet that you agree very much with what I am hearing.... Much Much better than the first time you were here

278 posts05-30-2018 8:38pm"Funky Destination" is a cool group

278 posts
05-30-2018 8:38pm
"Funky Destination" is a cool group
"Resolution is Only Solution " is the album that get from Pandora .
I am using
"Nightmares On Wax" as the Station name .
I am getting a lot of Cool stuff this way .
BTW .. I am using a Roku Ultra with HDMI out to the 4K HDR capable HDMI in of the Freaking Awesome Oppo -UDP-203.
The Oppo has 2 HDMI ouputs .
#1HDMI out  is Audio Only (I am sending it to an HDMI Input on My McIntosh MX151) the Other 4K HDR . #2 HDMI output is going to My Sony 70 inch 4K TV.
It is Unreal how good the sound is ... Better than my JRiver into the Mx151 , with HDMI also.
All of my HDMI cables are all Purist Audio Design... except one .
The one HDMI cable that goes from The Roku out to the Oppo-203 in , is the Wireworld HDMI Starlight 6.
I Know this is a lot to Digest, But I have never heard anything sound this good.
Amps are McIntosh MC30s (restored by Yves Beauvais at Vintage Vacuum Audio)
Pre-Amp is McIntosh MX151 (with Lyngdorf Room Correction)
Interconnects are the AWESOME Purist Audio Design- Dominus-Fluid .
Power Cable for the MX151 is Purist Audio Dominus -Fluid
Speakers are the Tekton Double Impact.
Speaker cables are The Sonoran Desert Plateau by Star Sound Technologies
Speakers are the Tekton Double Impact..
The speakers are also sitting on the Sistrum Apprentice Platforms .
I am sorry about ranting and raving , BUT, I have never heard a system sound this GOOD.
Very Natural Unforced Sound with KILLER BASS , imaging..etc .
 I cannot believe it myself. For the first time in Many many years , I am completely satisfied with this setup

I have the Star Sound Sistrum Apprentice platforms  under the Tekton Double Impacts .
Everything is clearer and cleaner sounding.. There is much improved separation of instruments and their placement in space or in the sound field. Bass is deeper and more articulate.
Everything is improved . It is very noticeable
I am sorry i was not comparing them to Herbies or any other product.
I realize that your question was "as compared to", but i was giving my assessment of the Sistrum Apprentice as compared to no platforms.
They could be "tippy" if they are not "balanced out or evened out" on the three points.
They could be pushed over , but because of the weight of the Double Impacts, I would generally not consider them "Tippy". You would have to exert quite a bit of force. You can get the platforms with 4 points.
I hope my answer helps some.
The model # I have is SP-SA-103-3

Total Height:3.312"Outside Width:14 Front 10 Rear"Depth:14"Shelf Height:.3125"SP-SA-103-3 & SA-103-4Sistrum Apprentice™Price: $ 449.99
You can purchase coupling discs separately they sit on top of the sharp spike that is attached to the platform .They are flat on top. The flat part is what you set the speaker on.It seems that they are many different ways to do this . I put the sharp spike onto the carpet under the platform .
Installed the spikes pointing up on the platform and the disc on the point on the top of the platform . leaving you a smooth flat surface for the speaker to contact and sit on.here really isn’t a pic showing that