Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Showing 29 responses by corelli

Not sure on what I should congratulate you on first--the new DI’s or reading the entire thread!
One of these days maybe I’ll read the whole thing--I’m sure it would bring many smiles. It has been a fun journey shared with a great group of individuals.
As you are finding out, the DI’s are very transparent and they readily reveal the gear you place upstream. My DI’s sounded good right out of a very cold box, and they just keep getting better as you tweak your system and room. So I encourage you to experiment with these variables and am sure your speakers will bring you years of enjoyment.
Glad this thread was helpful!
"I kept coming back to that superbly even on-axis response"

You mean that measurement, right.
To my knowledge, there are no published measurements.  I would expect the DI's to measure similarly to the monitors but with greater low end extension.  Will they reach their published sensitivity? Highly doubt it.  The vast majority of speakers do not.  Nothing new there.  Sensitivity does not the whole story tell.  Other factors come into play in determining how a given speaker will perform with lower powered tube electronics.  And it's a fact that many on this thread have been thrilled by what the DI's can do with 300b or 2a3 SE amps.  
I suspect with a tube amp, the 8 ohm version will afford a better match with less alteration of frequency response.

Eric feels that the 4 ohm version is best suited to solid state amps. I would wonder if there might be a tad better dynamics/slam but you really would have to ask Eric as few if any of us have compared the two versions.

@vidiot33       My hat is off to you--that's quite a read. Perhaps not War and Peace, but still an accomplishment.

Many pages back there was an individual who had space issues and went with the Impact Monitors.  He actually bought a pair of REL subs I had for sale (back when I first bought my DI's) and he was very pleased with the result. Many people would probably be happy without subs. Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong with any of the above choices as they all share the critical tweeter array.  But if I wanted a full range all in one package I would lean towards the Electron SE's.  Wish I could tell you I've heard them all--I haven't.  Just a gut feeling that they are well worth the cost.  Then there is the Perfect SET to consider.  What electronics will you be using? 
@listening99   As many have stated, the DI's pull off a neat trick of having very good detail but with no edge.  I am intolerant of bright speakers that have any fatigue associated with them.  These would be a welcome change from Klipsch for example.
The DI's are very coherent and well integrated in spite having many drivers.  They float a large but accurate soundstage (better than my prior Magnepans).  Very nice depth, horizontal spread beyond the far edge of the speaker.  Vocals are silky, with the soloist presented behind the plane of the speakers with nice height.  
When I first auditioned my DI's I was struck by the weight and nice tonal qualities of the piano.
Regarding your room, it's anybody's  guess.  I will say the DI's are more forgiving of placement than other speakers I have owned.  But you will be rewarded for optimizing their placement.
What associated gear will you have?
I'm not in a position to comment of the SE's or Moabs relative to the DI's.  I am sure they are all great speakers and huge values--especially the DI's and Moabs.  See the above link

Don't worry about your amp right now.  Sort out the speaker and placement.  Later you can decide what flavor amp you want.  Unlike many speakers, these speakers afford much more choice with almost any amp you might pick and they will clearly show the virtues or shortcomings of that design.
As above.  It was around the fall of 2017 that the speaker was revoiced on the top end and the polar response widened.  I have the earlier version, and in a dedicated listening room have never felt the need to have this changed.
Glad you are happy with the combo tony.  Looks like you did some listening into the early hours!  One real bonus of the DI's is the latitude they afford in choice of associated gear and the ability to fine tune things to your liking.

After many years listening to my Marantz 152 series gear, I upgraded to the Marantz K2 Ruby integrated/cd player.  A clear step up.  I was a bit leary of a class D amp, but Marantz executed the design very well indeed.  The soundstage I value so much has expanded into an even bigger canopy of sound.  Clarity is superior, even more detail, better low end impact.  All presented in a silky smooth fashion.  The DI's easily let you hear it all.  
Agree with David.  The DI's are not demanding regarding amplifier choice.  You will be impressed even with an AVR.  However, you will clearly hear what better gear upstream brings to the table.  The DI's are very transparent speakers in that regard.

I drive mine with a Marantz Ruby which uses NCore modules and it sounds great-very controlled, spacious, smooth natural sound.  Love the pairing.
Actually, Eric just came out with an update of his website and, yes, price increases.  These are minimal and in no way detract from the value of the DI's or any of his other speakers.  These still remain value saturated speakers.  

Don't feel you have to "settle" for the DI's.  I am sure the Moabs are wonderful but the fact is the DI's will always be a great speaker.  Had mine for over 4 years now and never once did I feel I was "missing out" on the latest and greatest.  These produce beautiful music.  Always have and always will.
No jayctoy, I am one of the more boring steady players, but in this case very happy that way!  You may be thinking of jcarcopo?  You will be happy with the dynamics of the DI's.  Many owners have commented on that being a strength.

I spoke to Eric the other week in an effort to chose one of his speakers for my secondary system.  One option was to get the Moabs and move my DI's into the secondary system (wife less thrilled with that).  I opted to keep the DI's in the main system and go with Electron SE's in the secondary.  I am sure they will be great.  Guess the point I was going to make was that Eric never tries to upsell you.  Just points out the virtues of each.  
The Double Impact center in only $1130.  It would be a perfect match.  Not sure why you would consider anything else.
@bullbuchananWhile I do not have experience with setting up a HT system, I understand the importance of of a seamless voicing of the speakers.  Every Klipsch I have heard is voiced very differently than the DI's.  I find the DI very neutral and smooth.  Klipsch sound harsh and fatiguing to my ears.  

Did you see the DI low profile center?  Has the same drivers as the DI's, just a single tweeter.  Only $450!  

I have not heard any of the Be versions.  I do know that the silk domes blend beautifully with the paper cone drivers and create a seamless sound top to bottom.

Eric has never tried to upsell anything in my discussions with him.  Always found him to be very open and honest.

Regarding the question of listening at low volumes--I have never felt the speakers need to be pushed to sound full and balanced.  But when pushed, they easily maintain their composure.

Did you gentleman order the standard Electron or the SE version?

I think that was a wise move.  The SB drivers are really high quality drivers that are an excellent value.  The Electron SE's reach every bit as deep in the bass as my DI's.  If my room did not allow for a larger speaker like the DI, in no way would I feel like I was missing out with the Electron SE's.  

What color did you opt for?

@gwng8 As noted on the website, all the drivers are "upgraded".  The woofers go from Eminence A's to the B's.  And so on with the other drivers.  Larger magnets on the on all the paper cone drivers.  The upgraded crossover is standard on the SE's. That's about it.

But what does it really matter.  The question is how do they sound?  Buried in this thread is commentary by owners who lived with both models.  Don't assume the SE will clearly outperform the base DI in all situations. 

Eric rarely responds to emails.  It's a miracle he can even take any calls. No doubt he will be multi-tasking if you get a hold of him. Try a Saturday am.  Research things on the web. 

I own the base DI's and have never felt the need to upgrade--a great speaker.  I also have the Electron SE's in another system.  Amazing full range speaker in a smaller format. I suspect the jump from the Electron to the SE is a larger measure of improvement compared to the DI to the SE.  Both of my speakers share many commonalities--full range performance, wonderful smooth and detailed voicing, and the ability to create a large soundstage in three dimensions.  Hard to go wrong with the majority of Eric's speakers.

@adversman  As you have probably read the DI's allow the flexibility to go in many directions when it comes to your choice of amps.  They will show the virtues and limitations of each.  Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a stable of amps.  After all, you wouldn't pair up the same wine with every meal.  And so it is with music.

But in reality, we have all found amps that we love with the DI's. You will just need to sort our your priorities and do your homework on the qualities that you value most.
@mgb1985  The driver in the DI is the Eminenece Alpha.  But really it just needs the proper adhesive.  Looks like the adhesive jetter suggested would be just fine.  
@morg111    I have always felt that the DI's, to my ear, were fundamentally neutral.  You are right, this speaker is so capable in allowing you to hear what is ahead of it.  As noted above, I do not feel that it is an issue of tubes vs. solid state.  I have just the right blend of detail and a hint of warmth with my Marantz Ruby gear.  There is no right or wrong here.  Trust your ears.  The cool thing is you are afforded so many choices with this speaker.  Take your time--you will know when you have arrived at your destination.

@jcs01     Have no fear, you will enjoy your new DI SE's very much indeed.  I have had my DI's for years now and you should know I am intolerant of bright or edgy speakers.  They obviously are anything but that.  

As stated many times, they are revealing speakers but in a good way.  So changes in upstream gear is quite easily discerned.  My Marantz Ruby gear is known to be smooth yet detailed and that is what I hear with my DI's. Of course, some CD's sound spectacular and others not as much, but I have never had issues with a segment of my CD's being unlistenable.  

Nothing has changed. In a call to Eric years ago, he told me the speakers were tuned to around 32hz or so. That’s what I hear. Strong output to 30hz.

Still loving these speakers. Have tried OB, single full range driver/SE triode amps, and the DI's still rule as the reference.

I emailed Eric several years ago about a design just like the Nebo.  At the time he thought it redundant with some of his other designs.

One thing for sure.  This guy is obsessed with creating new speakers.

I am sure the Nebo sounds great.  Most all of his speakers do IMO.  Is it more dynamic than the DI?  Not so sure of that.  But it may excel in other areas.

Still have my DI’s and love them more than ever. No desire to "upgrade". I would say the true value point of Tekton is between $3-10k. Voiced beautifully. Seamless integration of so many drivers. Great imaging. Dynamic.  Easy to drive. Love the fact that 50% of the budget did not go to a paper thin veneer. The Tekton detractors are a poor source of info on these great speakers.


Tekton haters, as a last resort, point out how ugly they are.  I love the fact I didn't blow thousands on a wood veneer (and I am a woodworker that loves the fine woodworking).  I listen in a darkened room.  Would never see see that rainforest veneer.  All part of the huge value the Di's represent.

  • @tjraubacher  The DI's perform very well at lower volumes.  A number of owners used SET amps and were very happy.  I prefer higher powered SS but that is personal preference.  The volume level will not impact detail, imaging or sound stage.  What will be a consideration is your room size.  You can look at my systems page to see how I managed placement.  Imaging in this configuration is superb.  Some owners have managed to put this speaker into a smaller room and very much enjoyed them.  Just not sure you will max out that sound stage.  But the same will hold true of many large speakers--not just the DI's