Tekton Double Impact vs. Vandersteen 2ce sig II

Good evening folks, just looking for opinions on the Tektons vs. the Vandersteens. They are both right around the same ballpark in price (3k) so should be a fair fight. I have been a Vandersteen fan for a long time. I have their old 2C and find it to be a very special speaker and is musical in a way that is hard to describe. Recently I heard the Treo CT and it was on a whole other level of clarity and musicality, but still with that signature Vandy sound. Alas, they are $8400, so cannot afford right now. I am rather new to the forums and the Tektons caught my eye. Are these really all that and a bag of chips? people seem to be swooning over them (at least in 2017, I am only about 30 pages in the giant thread, so maybe the enthusiasm has died down by now?) Anyway, Just wanted to get some opinions from any folks who have heard both and what they liked best and why. Thanks for your time.

Showing 1 response by david_ten

@bstatmeister and @blueranger I don’t have any experience with Vandys so I obviously cannot compare or advise in that regard.

Vandersteen speakers have a very strong following and informative threads here on Agon as do Tekton speakers.

My advice is to listen to each in your home setting.

Tekton offers a 60 day trial with the return shipping on the customer (typically around $300 or less for the DIs). It’s a fair offer and a generous time period. Since you are familiar with Vandersteen, if it were me, I’d start with the speaker I didn’t know.

I’m currently considering another speaker and it’s going to be a shot in the dark for me...I’d much rather have return privileges, even in this case where shipping costs will be significant as it would have to go back to Central Europe and the speakers are not lightweights.

All the best with your search.