Tekton Design Electron SE

Dear Audiogoners: I recently purchased one of the first of Eric Alexander’s Tekton Design Electron SE speakers. Here is a letter of appreciation I wrote him. Here’s hoping it will start a conversation regarding this speaker system. Questions or reactions are welcome as always:

Dear Eric:

Two years ago I wrote:

You’ve developed a family of speaker systems which fundamentally differ from the technology of all others that preceded them.

As I sit in my sweet spot enjoying the Tekton-Design Brilliance speakers I’m enjoying a clarity and balance that I’ve never heard before. All of your innovations in the Brilliance work together to present music as close to the live performance as is possible in 2016 and possibly for years to come, from Alexander to Alexander, (Alexander Graham Bell to Eric Jay Alexander) there’s no one like Alexander! I have drawn closer to the holy grail of musical recreation. I’ll leave it to others to describe the technical reasons for this wonderful sound. For myself, I can say that the clarity both in highs and in lows, the detailing, and the sound stage is better than anything I’ve ever heard.

Since then, my audiophilia has struck once more. It’s one disease that blesses the victim. Now I’ve put about 40 hours of break-in on my new Electron SE’s. I’ve noticed the following improvements:

· Wider polar response

· Greater sensitivity to the nuances in every recording

· More natural bass and highs, especially in more complex music

· Less coloration and greater purity in high as well as low volume music

· Greater dynamic range through my 10-15 watt amplifier

FYI I play through a First Watt F-3, a VPI Classic 2, a Sound-Smith Voice Cartridge mated to a Sound-Smith preamp and an Oppo Universal Player. All of these feed to a passive line stage coupled to an active pre-amp by Placette. I listen to classical music constantly. My speakers are placed about twelve feet apart and I listen at the apex of an equilateral triangle with slight toe in.

From a single flute to grand opera, it all sounds like perfection. Thank you, Eric from the bottom of my heart.


As the original poster, all I can add is that the Electron SE continues to please.  I recently upgraded my amp resulting in increased smoothness in louder volumes. 
Good to hear,I am planning to replace my Class D integrated with a KT120 integrated within the next couple months.Do you have a Video source in the chain? I will have a 2 channel Video source along with my Turntable.
I simply use an older Panasonic plasma tv feeding an older Bryston DAC into a  Placette active preamp and a PASSLAB 60 Watt amp.  I'm using Tekton Design Electron SE speakers.  It all sounds great and I have no great urge to upgrade especially in these times.
Hello everyone. This is my first post ever in any social media so please forgive the inexperience. My name is Felix and I turned 60 years old last October and I looked at my system and said you may not have much more time, you need to do better. Not That I had a bad system, Sonus Faber Grand Pianos, Marantz AV, Denon Blue Ray / Super Audio Cd...

So I told my wife I am putting together my “Bucket System” at the extreme of My D.O. D. Paycheck. Updated Marantz Tt s15, Manley Chinook Phono Amp, Marantz SR 7010 (labeled as future proof, yea right), Monolith X7 power amplifier (good amp for the price) and the Opportunity 203. For Speakers I went with the Tekton Electrons SE.

I have to say that all this did not happened at once and my wife was rolling her eyes every time a new box and a change was done at the stereo rack. She will sit with me for a little while and listen and I would explained what I did and the change it adds to the system. Her response will always be “That’s nice, as long as you are happy” and walk away. Then the Tekton’s came in, this time she was not happy at all. She really liked the classic elegant look of the Sonus Faber and know I was bringing this big box with all these drivers, she said that is ugly were are the grills?. They are on order Honey. Me I was exited I can see the great sonic difference that was coming. I ask Eric to sign them for me and he did, very cool. 
I don’t have that much room for perfect set up, so about a foot away on each side of my equipment rack and that sounded great to me. Not an audiophile just a music lover. I was playing it at low volume in my man cave just for testing and it was glorious. I had my Sonus for close to 12 years and I felt like I was listening to music for the first time. Now it was time for the wife test, so her being Puerto Rican I went trough my vinyl collection and found RAY Barreto “Indestructible”, lots os instruments, drums, congas, trumpets, very upbeat album. 
I called her over and she was amazed of how she could hear all the instruments just like she was back home in a concert. We kept on putting different albums including my beloved jazz and she enjoyed every one of them. It was 2 hours of listening before we realized it. Yes the Electron SE are even wife approved. 
As I right this I am deployed again this time in Alameda Ca. Overseeing contractors doing upgrades on the ship. The Corona Virus is going on all around us but we have to forge forward. Not saying this for any sympathy but is on these trips that I can save money for my Bucket System. And the last thing I bought that it really needs is a quality Subwoofer. I bought the REL S/510 and already has been delivered to the house and I was able to hear my wife’s eyes rolling again (I live in Charleston S.C) all the way over here in California when that big box came in. I can’t wait to get home to set it up. And yes Eric’s numbers say it goes down to 20hz but I really don’t see it. They do have noticeable bass, but it can use some help.

Sorry it took me this long to say they are fantastic speakers but add a subwoofer to complete them.

Happy Listening
Just got my Electron SE's in and have been listening to all sorts of music and concerts.  I previously had a pair of dyi speakers I had put together with a reference Dayton 8" paper woofer and a Foutek ribbon tweeter in a 40" tower with custom (designed and built by me) crossovers using Auricap XO caps and foil inductors.  My electronics are modest, Marantz 5013, Oracle Alexandria turntable w/summico blue point 2, Sony x700 sacd player and Parts Express Reference series 15" sub w/500 watt plate amp that I built myself.  My room is 17x12 and the Electrons seem like a good fit for this size room especially since it doubles as a living area.  I do home theater as well as 2 channel using Tidal lossless and bluray discs.  
   The Electrons are still breaking in but I can tell they are very revealing and are sensitive to placement.  I have heard in other posts people saying they are sensitive and some are saying that they are not.  I have found both is true to some extent; that is they sound great in most spots but if you take the time to move them around, you can get the best imaging. When you get the right spot, the image is spooky good. I found focusing the speakers to a point about 5ft behind me gave the best image.  I am hearing new stuff in recordings I have never heard before...the release of a piano pedal, the decay of a Tom Tom, the size of the room the musicians are playing in etc.  These are all initial impressions as I've only had these a few days but I will say they continue to impress me as a very revealing musical speaker.  One more thing;  the bass is much more solid.  My previous speakers didnt have much bass and I relied mostly on the sub for bass.  I have been very happy with the bass from my sub as it produces very detailed and tuneful low frequencies.  Adding the Electrons bass has literally energized the room, adding a visceral feel if the music has alot if bass energy like Hans Zimmer "Live in Prague" has.  This is all with a fairly average avr using HEOS streaming app.  I look foreward to hearing what a good streamer dac will do as well as improved amps as I upgrade down the road.