Tekton custom grills

There are some active discussions concerning the delivery of speakers and specifically speaker grills for the incredible Tekton Speakers. But nothing on this forum. I'm now nine months waiting on grill delivery. Anyone else??

Showing 2 responses by audiofreak32

I was sent grilles for my Pendragons and my Pendragons had no holes to put the grilles in. I asked Eric SEVERAL times how the grilles attached to the speaker... I assumed since there were obviously no holes in the front of my speakers, that it was a magnet setup.... wrong. I have some nice grilles sitting in my room that cannot attach to the speaker.
Original poster here... (back after several years and on my 4th pair of Tekton speakers)....
I recently bought another pair of Tekton speakers (Enzo XL) about 2 months ago and ordered with grills (+ $75).  I like the way they look with the grills and have 2 small kids and the sound difference is negligible with or without them on. 

I got the speakers in decent time... they smelled pretty bad of pain odor and the finish is fairly poor.... if you run your hand over any of the surfaces (even the top), you will easily feel smooth and rough differences.
I waited about 4 weeks before bothering them with an e-mail about the grills.Never heard anything, sent another e-mail about 2 weeks after that and got a reply about 3 days later with a FedEx tracking number.  I thought... awesome... the grills are on the way.  When the grills arrived, the package looked fine and was not damaged.  The grills seemed to be packed well also.  But, once I took them out to fit them to the speakers, I noticed that 3 of the 4 corners on EACH grill were cracked/broken.  Literally, these grills were made from 4 pieces of 3/4" x 3/4" MDF (approx.) and glued in the corners.... THAT IS ALL. Being that these speakers are so tall, there really should be an intermediate cross-brace and triangle corner braces for strength, with nails/glue through the corners...  these grills were just total garbage.  Also, the pegs in the grills did not line up well at all with the holes in the cabinets!  I had to force/bend the grills into place.  I could have easily built better grilles myself and saved time and money.
So I sent an e-mail to Eric (which Karma also sees all the e-mails I think) asking for a refund figuring that another set of the same horribly-built speaker grills would do me no good... he apologized and said that he would have Karma "....call me on Monday".  Never got a call from her.  Waited about 10 more days and sent a follow-up e-mail and got a reply saying that she would call me later that day.  Never heard back from her.
At this point, I really do not care about the grills or the refund... too much time invested on my part.

I absolutely LOVE the sound from these speakers, but these details are killing me.... like they say... the devil is in the details.


#2:   HIRE MORE PEOPLE ! ! !