Techno Anyone?

Does any body on this forum every listen to techno type music? I do a little and am amazed at how good some of it actually sounds and it also tends to be very adventurous. Or are most of you the Tech*NO* crowd which I would understand.
Has anybody heard of Global Underground, they are an orginzation that has TONS of DJ's and different catagories(Prototype, Nubreed and the original "numbered/location" series) I have around 150 techno discs and most of them are good-excellent. My Fav's would be ATB, Paul Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyck, Orbital, Jason Dunne, kernkraft 400, Uberzone(there is suppose to be 2 dots over the U in Uberzone but I do not know how to do that with this keyboard),Brian Eno, Anthony Pappa, Hybrid, Alice DJ, Bt and Webster Hall. I better end the list here but it could go on. Keep the favorites coming we might all learn something from them, thanks, :>)Tim
To the above suggestions I would add Sven Vath, Banco de Gaia, Eat Static and American HomeGrown.
I believe The Chemical Brothers and Daft Punk deserve a listen along with Carl Cox they all make some awesome music. BTW if you want to test your bass out listen to Track 2 "out of control" on The Chemical Brothers Album "Surrender". I thought the cones were going to tear themselves away from the surrounds. Dont know what Freq. the music goes down to but it is at least 30Hz (I think) and is loud!!! It sound great. Tim Warhurst.
Some specific must have techno albums...1)Chemical Brothers
"exit planet dust"...2)Juno Reactor "bible of dreams" and "beyond the infinite"...3)Crystal Method "vegas"...4)Fluke "risoto"...5)Alice DeeJay "who needs guitars"

Prodigy can be good, although not consistently good for an entire album. There is a whole class of dance/techno/pop
which can be fun including Amber, Eiffel 65, Corona, La Bouche, 2 Unlimited etc.

"Global Underground" series is good to have a few for extended house/trance sessions, but they do tend to become repetitive, I particularly like the Paul Oakenfold series