Technics SL1200: Baerwald or 1200 white gauge?

Hello Guys,

I always used the original Technics SL1200 white plastic gauge to set my cartridges and I have always been happy about the results even I changed many cartridges.
Well , I have read on the net about the MintLp Tractor or the Wally Tractor (looks the same as the other one) used on the Technics SL1200 to give the Baerwald null points
I never tried those Tractors .. and I'm curious about the sonical difference
Anyone here has already tried them? .. and what is the sonic improvement or difference regarding the original gauge setting?

Thanks to everyone for your opinions

Showing 5 responses by siniy123

2 Curio,
don't worry much. The Technics gauge provides the geometry the arm was designed for. I never experienced tracking problem using this gauge. Use the small screwdriver, the one that comes with cartridges, to see of the diamond tip and the end of the gauge are aligned.
if you want to spend $110 of piece of etched mirror - go for it.
Think about this: team of Matsushita engineers designed the tonearm and headshell overhang to be 52mm (as per their gauge). Just put you cartridge square in the headshell (use caliper if you want) and measure the distance of 52mm from the connection.
Dan, how dare are you to criticize technics gauge?! it was precision molded on multimillion dollars Swiss made equipment armed by proven rules of divine geometry.
the technics factory aliment sounds that good so, I don't have any need to go to some garage made tool.

different aligment will give you different amount of distortion at given distance from spindle, then it was originally intended by Technics designers. Depending on the material, cartridge, diamond profile it could sound better or worst. But, on average, technics default alignment will sound better.
|There is much more involved than overhang.
what more, VTA?
no way you can dial the VTA visually unless you are using some powerful microscope that can focus where your stylus contacts the LP and measure the angle on say computer screen. Dialing VTA using ears is a breeze and very repeatable on Technics.

I seriously doubt that you correct significantly off azimuth. Many today's manufactured cartridges are not properly aligned related to the azimuth. Such cartridge/stylus should be promptly replaced. Manufactures should learn a lesson that we are not going to tolerate this.
|Humorous read, but I won't bang my head against this wall. I |agree with Tvad. It really isn't an issue of anyone having to |have the MintLP to enjoy their vinyl. That is certainly true |and maybe $100 is a lot of money these days. However, this |price is certainly pretty tame compared with many audio |tweaks. So anyone who wishes to explore what else may be |possible with their current table this is a well respected |way to try.

$100 will always be lot of money to throw down the toilet.
As with any "tweak" the questionable benefits exists only in the mind of believer, manufacturer PR and audio press.