Technics SL-BD20D?

I'd like to buy an inexpensive turntable and I'm think of Technics SL-BD20D. It sells in $130 at Since this is my very first turntable, I do not want to do lots of calibration (I just want to buy one and use it). In addition, I just want to buy an inexpensive one and try, then upgrade later.

Does anybody have an oppinion about SL-BD20D? Can anybody recommend a better choice at about $100-$150? Thanks.
It's the only choice under $150 complete. (Everything else comes with a heavy-tracking, proprietary cartridge that will slowly grind your discs to powder.)

If you can stretch it, however, a much better value is the SL-BD22, available at for $170, without a cartridge. A Grado p-mount will run you <$50 more (and will be a snap to install). The better motor on the 22 and the Grado cart will make for a much better sounding rig than the 20, which means you'll be able to stand it longer before succumbing to the upgrade bug.
Bomarc, thanks for your question. For SL-BD22, which specific Grado catridge do you recommend?

Without having any experience of dealing with turntables, will I be able to install the catridge? (But I do have good skills) If it's possible, can you recommend me a good source to study it?

If you can read the instructions you'll be able to set-up a plug-in cartridge. If I were you I would get a Grado Prestige Blue. It's a step up from the Green and you'll be able to intall it on your next turntable. I purchased one when I got back to vinyl and it works more than decent in its price point. Bargain hunt and negotiate price--mine was $50.
New buyers, the SL-BD20D can be as good as you want. The low prices also include a throw away cartridge. Please, invest at least $60 more and get a good one. The P-mount still has a lot of support in mid and mid-hi cartridges from Audio Technica and Grado. The arm is preset for down force and anti-skate, and works very well. I bought one, and immediately replaced the cartridge with an Audio Technica AT311EP ($58). The combination had a very good sound. Later I bought a Shibata diamond stylus from LP-Gear $50, and the sound will match many turntable/cartridge combinations at 3 times the price. Don't let ignorance guid your choice, the cartridge is still the basis of good/great sound.
I agree with davidpaulleague. I got back into vinyl by picking up a Yamaha YP-128 (or some such) at a garage sale for $2. It looks like it may be a rebadged Technics SL-BD20D. Whatever it is, it really sounded pretty dang good. I have the good fortune of having an '80s-era Amber 17 preamp to plug it into (got it at a pawnshop for $130), and its phono section has a lot of jump. The Grado and Audio Technica P-mount cartridges are certainly good, and to that group I'd add the Ortofon OMP-10. Its price is right in the same neighborhood with a list of $69. It's very clean and yet smooth, and is made to track at 1.25g, which will be very easy on the records. The OMP10 gives you a cartridge upgrade path as well, because it will accept the stylus replacements for the OM 20, 30, or 40 as well.

I also recommend two very reasonable tweaks which make this turntable sing: One is to get a set of Vibrapods ($24 for 4) to place under the turntable feet. This drops the noise floor and cleans up the upper bass. Second is to get a decent turntable mat. I got an anti-static felt mat for $15, and it also improved dynamic range as well as reducing ticks and pops.