Technics SL-1200GR setup question

Hey A'goners,

I recently purchased a Technics SL-1200GR TT and am very pleased with it. I purchased used and it came with a Denon D-110 cart.

My understanding is that when the VTA is properly setup, the tonearm should be parallel with the surface of the record. In my case, the arm tilts down slightly. In other words, it's higher in the back and lower near the cart. The tonearm adjustment is as low as it goes. If I lift up the tonearm to make it level it is probably a good 1/4."

Does anyone have any suggestions here? Is this common or an acceptable degree of tilt? I don't think a shim is going to get 'er done here. 

I appreciate any and all suggestions. 


Showing 6 responses by chakster

Technics EPA-100 is much better tonearm and can be adjusted properly on any turntable.

Regarding G or GR stock tonearm all you need is a thicker mat or spacer between cartridge and shell and then tonearm will be parallel if you wish to.
You could use thicker mat or a spacer between cartridge and headshell if you think it’s critical.  

From VdH interview:

“In play position, your tone arm should not be parallel to your record but at a small angle: around 3 - 5 degrees. This can be achieved by lifting the tone arm at the rear (i.e. the bearing part and not the cartridge mounting part) by 4 - 8 mm. The sonic result is a better spatial reproduction and cleaner high frequencies.” 


More from this interview with VdH: 

“What I learned was that in the playing position the arm must always be somewhat higher at its rear end (the counterweight end). A 9 to 9.5 inch arm around 7 - 9 mm higher. This improves the resolution a lot. Works with any arm and any cartridge. What you have to keep in mind is that each record is different. So fine- tuning the spatial resolution is slightly different per record. This can be fine-tuned by changing the distance between the arm bearing and the mounting board.

One millimetre up or down can be enough. But the average of 7 - 9 mm up works always in your advantage.”

Technics tonearm is normally NOT parallel to the record, the rear part is a bit higher. but you have to watch cartridge body. Some of mine on Technics are the Victor and Sony. As you can see cartridge body is pretty much parallel to the record surface. Read what A.J. Van den Hul said about tonearm VTA, if you can't detect any problem with positive VTA just enjoy! 

VTA is always positive, by definition.
Remember that VTA is the angle of the cantilever to the LP surface.

Arm tube angle is positive or negative and you can only change it by VTA adjustment on Technics tonearm if the arm tube is not parallel to the record surface when the needle is on the record. If tonearm manufacturer can't give you that option than a cartridge spacer or thicker/thinner mat can help (on Technics turntable the OP is talking about).