Dear chakster, My introduction or context was given as (co)
relation between the cartridge weight and counterweight weight.
The lowest weight by Sumiko 800 is meant for the carts of
+/- 6 g. My assumption was that EPA 100 is not suitable for carts
above 9 g. There are hardly MM carts weighting more than 6 g.
Your ZYX is 5 g. As such a kind of an exception among the MC carts.
So there is no contradiction because your ZYX does not satisfy
the mentioned condition of 9 g .
Dear jpjones 3318, I hate abbreviations for the simple reason that
I can't remember what they mean or refer to. What the hell is an SH-100G1?
Besides you are pretty late because I already sold both my EPA
100 (grin). I sold them because of the reasons mentioned. The
most of my MC carts were impossible to ''balance'' with EPA's