Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?

I have a modest system but loads of records I'd like to be able to listen to again.

My current system consists of Magnepan MG1.6's with mods. A QSC 4040 amp, a Kenwood preamp with high gain phono, loading, etc built in, and a Marantz SACD player.

My question is this, would the extra $100.00 the M5G be worth it in my situation? I will likely start out using a Goldring Excel VX cartridge I have left over from my glory days in audio that is low hours and sounded sweet in my SOTA Sapphire several years ago.

BTW, I'm leaning toward spending the extra $100.00 at this moment thinking it might be better then regretting it later.

Thanks for your advice
I went for the MKII for a simple reason. The dust cover on the MKII has hinges. I like to keep the cover on. If you like the cover off, go for the M5 (and the better wirign to boot). You can also get a kit to convert the M5 cover to hinges.
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The better wire is worth the price to me since I have no desire to start down the cable of the month road. In the end it might save me countless hundreds of dollars. I've been told the upgraded cable is pretty darn good.
All of the Technics tables from KAB have the hinged dustcover.

TVAD you are correct, the only real upgrade is factory upgraded tonearm wire that is comparable to the Cardas wire. The MG5 also has a blue cuing light, instead of the white, variable pitch control (for dj's) and a spare headshell holder. Most of us will have no interest in any of it.

Boy, I love the table though.
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