
Responses from ktownjohn

Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?
Thanks Jlc, I like you already ... money not an issue ha ha! When has money NOT been an issue for me? Sure, the full blown KAB table would be my first choice but I have resigned myself to being happy with the M5G unless I hit the lottery. I do pla... 
Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?
I have found the posts in this thread to be very interesting. Thanks. For me, the decision was simple. The additional cost of the M5G is less than the MKII plus arm rewire. The general concensus is that the M5G wire is "almost" as good as the Card... 
Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?
The better wire is worth the price to me since I have no desire to start down the cable of the month road. In the end it might save me countless hundreds of dollars. I've been told the upgraded cable is pretty darn good. 
Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?
Thanks for the info Zen. I sent Kevin an email and he thinks the M5G is worth the extra. I'm going to go for the damper, oil, and perhaps a new spindle and clamp after I've had a chance to settle in with the stock sound.John 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
The SL1 Sig MK3 has been the centerpiece of my system for several years, with consistent, solid performance that never dissapoints. Musical yet detailed and it does all the audiophile things with apparent ease. I have worried about what I would do...