Technics 1200g vs Rega rp8, VPI aries, avenger, Basis 2000, Linn LP12 etc. Can it compete?

I am thinking of upgrading my Turntable in the next few months.  It has been a long journey as believe it or not, the VPI scout really is a great table and has kept me satisfied for a long time.  However, I am looking for my last table.  Has anyone had experience with the new Technics 1200g? is it really as good as the best from VPI, Basis, SME, Feikert, etc.  It has intrigued my interest and from what I see it looks like it can easily hold its own against some of the best.  What headshells, mats, record clamps work best?  Can you use a clamp with this table?  Looking forward to your replies.

Showing 7 responses by tzh21y

The scout is a great table as I stated.  I have been looking at tables for a long time and still have it.  The secret with the scout is learning how to set it up.  It can offer a lot if you can set it up. so much so that I do not believe you get that much more with the prime.  I know many will not agree and the prime does certain things differently, not necessarily better.  The RP8 did a lot better than the prime to my ears (it had tremendous immediacy) but had a bit of an edge that just does not have me totally convinced.  It could have been cartridge loading or the cartridge which was a Rega cartridge.  There has been so much good said about the Technics, and what I am seeing is it looks like it would cost a smaller company a lot of money to pay for the engineering that has gone into it.  Maybe its really a 10K table for 4k i guess is what I am saying.

To your ears, the prime is better.  If I did not already have a scout, I may look at the prime, but since I have the scout, I do not feel the prime is a significant upgrade to the scout and in fact I like the way the scout presents the music in many ways better than the prime, much closer to an aries which would be a step up and worth considering.  Again, that is just my ears.
A New Generation of Craftsmanship - Technics

On youtube, there is a video called A New Generation of Craftsmanship-Technics.  Its about 30 minutes long but really goes in depth regarding the new sl-1200g.  Very interesting.
The presentation.  Th prime is more detailed, has better clarity and dynamics.  Closer to aries in those ways for sure.
Actually, I heard a scout with a Denon 103R on it played through a 300,000 system.  I was pretty amazed how it sounded.  Then I heard the prime through a 75000 system.  The scout sounded better.  So, the rest of the system does have a lot to do with it.  I am sure the prime would have sounded fabulous on the reference system.
I have not heard the G yet.  I have heard the prime.  Have to hear them agaim.  I did hear the newer luxman and the prime sounded better than that and it was 6,000.00