The reason that I am choosing the 1200G as my last table over the vpi prime is that as I get older, the less that I want to fiddle with something like the prime.
Take replacing a cartridge for instance. On the 1200 you can remove the head shell, which for those among us that have bad vision to begin with, is a huge benefit. With the vpi you have to basically work by feel. Then adjusting VTA on the 1200 seems to be far more elegant than on the vpi tables. Plus no screwing around with side weights, etc.
When I reach my 70s, all I want to have to do is put on a head shell, adjust VTF and maybe VTA, crank up the tunes and smoke some weed. I don't want to have to deal with something more complicated than that.
It also seems that to get a vpi to the sound quality level as the 1200g, you need to spend money on upgrades. Isn't the vpi already expensive enough?
Take replacing a cartridge for instance. On the 1200 you can remove the head shell, which for those among us that have bad vision to begin with, is a huge benefit. With the vpi you have to basically work by feel. Then adjusting VTA on the 1200 seems to be far more elegant than on the vpi tables. Plus no screwing around with side weights, etc.
When I reach my 70s, all I want to have to do is put on a head shell, adjust VTF and maybe VTA, crank up the tunes and smoke some weed. I don't want to have to deal with something more complicated than that.
It also seems that to get a vpi to the sound quality level as the 1200g, you need to spend money on upgrades. Isn't the vpi already expensive enough?