I was in your shoes earlier looking deciding on my retirement table although my short list was down to only two tables, namely the Technics and a VPI Prime. I have the Technics on order currently and hope to have it soon. I made my decision on the following:
Based on hearing the benefits with my own ears of direct drive, idler wheels, and rim drive I really wanted direct drive the most if possible and if it was done right. Simple belt driven tables can be good also, but they tend to cost way more money to get the same timing and drive.
Fate smiled on me when Technics introduced this table last year along with its many improvements, notably the newly designed coreless direct drive. This motor alone has gotten wonderful market feedback and I really didn't want to deal any more with belts if possible.
A friend of mine has the 1200G (upgraded from a VPI Scout also) and I've heard his with a cartridge we both own (AT ART9). This really cemented my decision. I also have a few other carts including a Lyra Delos. I intend to use both carts attached to separate LP Gear Zupreme head shells. My friend also has this head shell so I'm leaching off his experience.
As my "last table" I did think hard about reliability and ease of use. Prior 1200 tables have a wide reputation for reliability and I don't see why this new motor won't add to that legacy. The usage features on the table also will allow me to use this without fuss or confusion as I get much older. I should be so lucky when tubes need to be rotated.
Lastly, the Technics as priced seems to be very fair if not impossible to beat. I haven't seen any other new $4000 tables that can compete. Some are swayed a lot by looks also, and indeed the Prime really caught my eye. I just can't ignore what I've heard and what you get for this price.