technics 1200g tonearm question headshell angled not parallel to lp

I am using a Ortofon aftermarket headshell and when looking at it it appears to be angled and not parallel to the surface of the record.  It does not have azimuth adjustment but still is this normal for the tonearm to agle the headshell slightly without adjustment.  I have not had a S shaped tonearm and was wondering if it is defective.  Any thoughts? 

Showing 3 responses by invictus005

There should be enough play in the socket to rotate the headshell and get correct azimuth.

Or are we talking about VTA here. OP needs to clarify.
@lewm I never once said there should be any play with the collar tightened. But there should be enough play with the collar loosened a bit, enough to adjust azimuth properly. I own the 1200G and everything adjusts perfectly. Never seen any azimuth issues on any other 1200s either.

Obviously OP refuses to take the time to properly explain the issue, so I’ll no longer waste my time trying to figure out his problem.