TechDas Speed Issue

Hey Folks,


Fortunately for you I have not been around in a while.  Hope everyone is well and good.  

My Airforce Premium III S has decided to switch on its own to manual speed mode and decrease the speed to about 43 rpm.  Happened twice in two days while playing the second side of a 45 rpm LP. Haven’t noticed it on 33s.  I turned off the power supply at the rear and let it sit overnight.  No joy.

Y’all heard of this?  Fix?




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OK,  I thought maybe somebody had run into the issue.

And no, nothing is dragging.  It is an air bearing with a separate compressor for the bearing and vacuum hold down.  The power supply and and speed controller are in a box with the compressor.

Y'all take care,


Try to readjust speed again with belt tension - like from the beginning. Go with lowest tension as possible. 

Good luck! 


"Try to readjust speed again with belt tension - like from the beginning. Go with lowest tension as possible. "

vuckovic gets the prize!

I actually was able to speak with Mair from Audio Salon who is the importer.  He had me to exactly that.  Move the motor back and forth in
SMALL increments while in some setup mode.

PITA, but works now correctly.

Y'all take care,