Tax time

Well it is that time of year again. I just did my taxes and found out that this year I get some money back. Immediately, I thought of what kind of gear I could buy. It got me to thinking. Is this how most audiophiles think? Me? Well I am either going to up grade my CDP or upgrade my turntable (am old dual).

By the way, for you married folks do you simply go and make the purchase or do you have to sneak it past your partner

Showing 1 response by ucmgr

Damn tax time!! no matter how hard i work or how much i make, old uncle sam gets more than i feel he's entitled to. my wife think me spend too much time and too much hard-earned money on the stuff, but just give me a few bucks and a little more time and i'll find a way to rationalize that the money is well spent. that new amp is certainly better than the one i just "gave" away and i know that the old cd player doesn't sound as good as the one i just bought. i know uncle sam would really enjoy that new preamp he bought for me, but what the hell, i've provided him and his with more over the years, haven't i? have you ever heard anyone say that they don't feel that they have contributed enough to the cause? just think what kind of system you and i might have been able to build and enjoy over the years if they hadn't pissed our money away on those $250.00 hammers and $25,000 toilets! god bless america!!!