Tax time

Well it is that time of year again. I just did my taxes and found out that this year I get some money back. Immediately, I thought of what kind of gear I could buy. It got me to thinking. Is this how most audiophiles think? Me? Well I am either going to up grade my CDP or upgrade my turntable (am old dual).

By the way, for you married folks do you simply go and make the purchase or do you have to sneak it past your partner

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

what is a tax refund? how might i apply for one? all these years i'd thought that ‘twas better to keep it and owe than allow the irs to hold my money for a year without paying me any interest. am I wrong here?

as for the spousal/significant other permission conundrum, my office mate and close friend frequently repeats a homily he learnt from his dad: "i'd rather owe you than cheat you out of it." might not always work but worth a try if you feel guilty about dissembling. -kelly