Tariff for used item from Canada to US

I bought a used Auralic streamer from Canadian Audiomart, got a UPS email holding the item and demanding $450 tariff. I emailed the seller, an audio shop in Canada if I could have it returned, and they said no. I paid through PayPal. The shop did mentioned it MIGHT got tariffed since its a Chinese made item. Is it fare that they refuse to take back? What would you do if you re in my shoes? The $450 tariff will make it as expensive as new in US.

Showing 1 response by lowrider57

I believe used items from Canada aren’t subject to tariff. But it’s based on the country of origin and this made in China component has an outrageously high tax due to our trade relationship.

I purchased a used dac from Canada, built in UK, and the VAT was about $40 (shipped UPS).