Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Sabai, I have a friend here in mobile,Al that has all top of the line Shunyata z-tron anaconda everything, He listened to my Tara labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold, I almost could not make it out his house with my cables!, The differnce was not subtle!, The shunyatas are great cables, However, The three top models of Tara Labs is a different league, and so is the cost of admission,I do not have exsperience with David Elrod cables, Though, I hear great feed back here on Audiogon for the brand, I admitt, The cost is really crazy for the Three top models of Tara Labs, The Evolution Grandmaster, The Evolution Zero and matching Evolution Omega, Then third in the new line up, is what I have, The Zero Gold and Matching Omega Gold, I do not agree with the pricing, but to get what you want, you have to pay, as it turns out,you get what you pay for!, on another note, I understand your position of your fun,Really, It is Best not to continue frustrating Melbguy1 at this point, you have surely done enough!, Let's just move on!, like I said, you guys can get along, there is so much out there in audio, I bet the both of you can share some common ground if you allow for it, cheers.
Calvinj,I love the look of them.Ive had the earlier fs 802 speakers,they were alright too.I wont be happy until I try them for a year,then we'll see.
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I know the top Tara cables are great. But since I cannot afford them they are a moot point for me. David Elrod cables are worth a listen.
Hi sabai, I have forfeited alot in my life to satiesfy my ocd for good sound, thus, the cables I own!, at times I feel crazy!, but when I listen, I have a smile on my face as big as the Grand canyon here in the u.s.a.!, really, The elrod cables are exspensive to, so I do not understand your point?
whether we like it or not, I want all of you here to know melbguy1 has a profound system!
Hi, I would like to let all of you to know, stereophile is releaseing a review this month or october, give or take, of the new Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega Tara Labs cables, should be a good read, then the Absolute Sound will be following suite of the same cables or The Tara Labs Evolution Grandmaster cable system later in the year between october and december, cheers.
ok, to all that will ever read this thread, The Review I mentioned in the post above will be absolutly in the october, 2014 issue of Stereophile magazine of the Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega interconnect and speaker cables, I just talked to Stereophile myself for conformation, cheers gentleman.
Keith .im looking forward to the reviews. Just to know.Chris at vh audio.,went to a California audio show..so did another person I recieved a email from.I wonder if tara labs would have them on show next august.It seems that may be a show worth seeing . California
Hi Misternice, You can contact Devon Scott there at Tara Labs and ask him what cables they will be showing, and at what audio show, he can accomidate your answers you seek, cheers.
Great,I would like to hear them in action,Ive never been to the US.The revelation audio labs precept cable is on the cd player right now,it just arrived.I have to give it the thumbs up,even after the first few minutes.I believe anyone who tries it will not be disappointed.Some glare has gone and its also got a full,sweetness about it.No detail is missing,and good timing.
I forgot to say,Ive got more music in my system, those thinner cds sound better already.I was hoping,i would lose the brightness from the other pc.Two gtx to come and that's me for the rest of the year.Fuck,excuse the language,this stereo gobbled up 10k this year,bloody thing.These kef ls 50 speakers for just over a k,sucked it all up, and said give me more,without breaking a sweat.Definately good for showing up any weakness and how good your additions are in your system.
Misternice, man do I know the feeling of the stereo getting all my money!, you are not alone!, welcome to the endless pit of High-end audio my friend, the thing is with me, I know what i want, get it, done, I do not go the way of the ever spinning merry go round of tring many differnt cables out!, That is where all your money is hitting you hard!, alternatives are futile, you should save more money toward climbing the Tara Labs cable food chain, That is what I do, the return for the price of admission is priceless!, cheers.
Melbguy1, are you going to try both the Rhodium and Gold GTX-D outlets?, if you do, when they burn-in, give us some feed back here on your impressions, Happy Listening.
Tboooe, Hi, have you had enough time to form any substantial impressions of your digital cable yet?
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Melbguy1, I was talking to misternice, he trys out differnt cable brands often, some good, some not to his liking., cheers.
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David, that's cool!, hey, I was really hopeing you got both the recepticles, you have solid state, I believe you could have sold the looser to one of us here for a fair price for you and them, man!, I am confused more than ever now!, go ahead and laugh, I am having more problems on this damn decision than any other, LOL!
Audiolab, here are my thoughts:

I spent some time tonight comparing the High Fidelity to the Purist and my old cheapo Acoustic Zen MC2 digital cables. The Purist had the widest soundstage and a weighty sound but ultimately it sounded too rolled off for my taste. Don't get me wrong the Purist had a nice, easy sound to it but it was not a good match for my speakers and already slightly warm system. Compared to the Purist the HF sounded very clean and airy with very good retrieval of detail and nuance. Bass was also very good. I did miss the weight of the Purist though. Vocals had more of a 3d feel to them with the Purist. I then plugged back in my old Acoustic Zen cable. I was amazed that it sounded like it was a mix of the Purist and HF. The AZ didn't do anything as well as either cable but it had characteristics of both. It had weight to vocals, good retrieval of detail and a wide soundstage. At this point I am not inclined to upgrade my digital cable. But if I had to pick between the Purist and HF I would choose the latter. I wonder what the Ultimate version sounds like or how much more money I need to spend to get enough of an improvement for me to upgrade?
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Tboooe, Thankyou for your reply, However, why not try the tara Labs, The one digital with ISM on Board cable?, would be a good fit for your system for sure, comes in either 75ohm RCA or 110ohm balanced digital cable.
Melbguy1, hey, make sure you tell us here your impressions of your Furutech GTX-D Gold, congrats!
Audiolab, I would love to but the Cable Co does not offer a demo for Tara Labs at all. And I dont want to use a local dealer because most likely I will buy used so I dont want to waste their time. Can you hook me up?? :)
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Tboooe, I can see what I can do, either on the used market, or another way, E-mail me and we can elaborate on it, however, I cannot make any promises, cheers.
Misternice, How is the Revelation audio labs precept cable sounding Now?, Do you still have the Tara Labs Onyx Interconnect?, you said in the post above you are getting two Furutech GTX-D outlets, are you getting the Gold or Rhodium?
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Thank you for the tip of Jorma Melbguy1. I will see if I can get a demo from The Cable Co.

Oh and I will getting the Gold outlets shortly.
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I agree, +1 for Tboooe, congrats on the outlets, if you go jorma cables, that cool with me, let us know your impressions if you get a loan from the cable co, cheers.
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Congrats Melbguy1!, david, Go to the Tara Labs site and down load the free Cascade burn-in disc, suppose to be really good, read what Tara said as to why this disc is better than most, cheers.
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Audiolab, thanks for the tip. I downloaded the Cascade file and will let my system play it this afternoon. I will report back.
Melbguy1, Have you watched the youtube video of the, I believe the same vitus equipment you have being played with my cables?, The tara labs Zero Gold with HFX grounding station and the matching Tara Labs Omega Gold speaker cables I have here at my house as well?, sounds pretty good!
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Hi Melbguy1, did you sale your Jorma Prime speaker cables on audiogon?, If so, I was not aware you had them for sale, You will never believe who I just talked to?, Matthew Bond himself, The designer of Tara labs cables, and Founder!
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Ok I played the Tara Labs Cascade file for 9 hours straight. It's hard to describe what I hear other than to say there is an ease to the music. I can turn the volume up higher than I what I normally listen at without fatigue.

Thanks for the tip Audiolab!
Matthew Bond is a gentleman and a incredible genius!, He sent me a profound E-mail explaining alot of how he has broght the industry of cables to where it is now, and more!, This is by far my favorite designer!
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