Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Himiguel, Hi, I did my own testing, I know what the reality of the ground stations are!, Hell yes The Tara labs Ground stations benifitted the Troy signature, I do not care what you have to say about this, My review is the truth!, Audiocrack does not know squat about Tara labs or my research on the products!, I seen and heard my self what My review says, Really!, Its a seperate circuit!, How can it not benefit the Troy, it grounds and drops the noise floor to whatever it is connected to period!,I challenge you to find out what my review revealed, how much money do you have?, re-read my review!
The last time someone said something like you did, I made them into a fool!, I recommend that you know what you are saying before you regret it!

For someone who has no experience whatsoever with either the Taralabs grandmaster evolution or the Tripoint Troy se your comments/claims are absurd. Both mentioned products are superb and combining them make the Taralabs cables shine even more due to the Tripoint Troy se.Let us be happy about that and stop your miscommunication. Audiocrack
Jebsmith73, Matthew Bond is selling a limited run 1-10 of the Zero Gold for the last time, likly the Omega Gold as well, This cable system is now discontinued, after a 19 year run, no other audio product in history has had such a shelf life, there were many different variates over the years of the Zero Gold and Omega Gold, Tara labs tweaked this cable system every couple of years, the last and best version is the Zero Gold I/C with HFX station and the genuine Omega Gold S/C, not to be confused with the s/c that only says Omega on the speaker cable that people try to pass on selling as Omega Gold, their is a huge difference, cheers.
Jebsmith73 and JMCgrogan2, well it appears that Matthew Bond pulled the plug on that speacial discounted sale of the limited run of the Tara labs Zero Gold I/Cs, I supose he might have gotten flack from dealers who still had some in stock?, the ad was suppose to run till 11-30-14, it is expired on my end, cheers.