Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 50 responses by audiolabyrinth

what a great post melbguy1, you hit it on the nail head for sure!, cheers to you david.
Hi Calvinj, I seen that, since you are an attorney, you should know that a Tara Labs The one with grounding scheme only, not a HFX version or a ISM on board is not a realistic comparison, since Tara labs has not made that affordable, least performing version of what you owned, The one with grounding scheme, since the late 90s, that is like comparing a new BMW car to a old Toyota camry car, I hope you understand, To me, your comparison of High-fidelity cables to Tara labs has no meaning, you never owned an adequete current model of any Tara labs cables, cheers.
calvinj, you do not need to get frustrated, The two with Ism on board is a good cable, however, There is NOTHING that High- Fidelity cables makes that even come close to the performance of the legendary Zero Gold interconnects and Omega Gold speaker cables, cobalt power cord that I am listening to at this very moment, It is the most natural sound on MY system I have EVER heard in my life, bar none!, and YES, I have listened to the high-fidelity cables, just another flavor of the month with NO significant meaning behind them!, Imagine, Tara Labs also has two new models of cables above mine, I suggest you read Michael freamer's review of the new second from the top Tara Labs Evolution Zero interconnects and Matching Evolution Omega speaker cables coming in the october issue of Stereophile magazine, Guess the conclusion of the review?
If I made a mistake, and the review does not come out in stereophile untill november, so be it, however, it's stereophile themselfs that told me the review would be in the october issue, maybe you should look more closly into the magazine?, The good news is, tara labs themselfs told me the review is coming in stereophile, so, just wait and check it out, I'm sure it will not be long!, and another thing here is you need to learn respect on how you talk to someone, and the fact I do not know you is even worse!
Hi Tboooe, I often wondered about that myself, my only explaination would be that the burn-in disc has a wider frequency response in all directions of the sound, where most music is limited, an example of this is that most rock music only goes down to 40hz, that is the bass guitar and kick drum on a drum set.
Melbguy1, any feed back on the furutech GTX-D Gold you care to share yet?, do you believe it needs more time?
Tboooe, I still have not purchased my outlets either, I am though!, yes, I have heard many good things about the ps audio power regenerators, I know an exteme amount about electrical dedicated lines and grounding, so, tell me, what are you going to do to optimize your grounding?
melbguy1, that is what I have been told, 100 hrs for a cooked furutech GTX-D to settle in the system, after much research, I do not believe I will go with Rhodium, I do not believe a forward presatation is in the real!, cheers.
Melbguy1, what is equipotential grounding?, what is virtual grounding?, I know many different gounding schemes, just not the big facy words, my idea of the perfect circuit is illegal here, a dedicated ground for each outlet period, I have done this before, It is in my opinion, the very best that can be done for SQ, cheers.
well fellow members, as it turns out the Review did NOT come in the october issue of Stereophile of the New Tara labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables, However, It will be in November, no later than December 2014!!, I only passed along what Stereophile had told me, I suppose when the review came out it must of got changed the last minute, since recommended componets come out in this issue, cheers.
I have the Tara Labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold that had an 18 year run as best available, no other audio item in History of audio has ever had a run such as this!, now, The order of pecking for my cable is as follows, The Tara labs Grandmaster Evolution as#1, The Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega as #2, The wireworld Reference Eclipse 7 cable system as #3, The Tara labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold as #4, then The Nordost Odin cable system as #5, I am proud to have a cable in the top five world class cables!
system dependency may vary for the Zero gold-Omega Gold and the Nordost Odin cables, on some systems, the Zero gold and Omega Gold is better, and On some systems The Nordost Odin is better, so the order of #4 or #5 will go back and fourth!, cheers.
calvinj,I am not sure that the wireworld Eclipse 7 cable system would be better on my system than what I have here, since I built my system around my cables, system dependency would come into play, However, The new Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega and Evolution Grandmaster is clearly a no comprimise cable system that was designed to better what I have!
The Tara Labs Omega Gold speaker cables are the warmest with most resolution musical speakers cables I have ever heard on my system, they have incredible Natural dynamic contrast to the sound, very vivid images of all instruments, layered, and seperated within space with a very deep sound stage, the Tara labs will never give you listener fatigue, or never sound cold, analitical, or steril by NO means!, An incredible speaker cable that deserves all the acclaim that is has garnished world wide, It is extremely rare for a product to live up to all the reviews, awards, etc..., This, is one of the only products I have listened to that fits the bill of all the Rave reviews and positive comments by users about it, I am impressed with the Tara laabs Omega Gold speaker cables!, Defiantly one of Tara labs greatest cables ever built., cheers.
I really did not believe the paid review on the wireworld eclipse 7 either!, I am listening to an analog recorded cd called Fire house, an old early 90s pop Rock band, It is startling the SLAM this krell modded 700cx has with the Omega Gold speaker cables and Zero gold with HFX ground station, and Cobalt power cord, Bass that is so defined,extremely deep, and Real, I feel like I am Rocking a concert!, every nuance, every cymbol, everything is over the top, I can not even imagine Tara Labs has two cables better than this NOW!, and three power cords better than what is here too, I am having Happy Listening!
calvinj, I have a question here about High-fidelity cables, why is it that they are NOT at any audio shows u.s. or world wide?, I have scanned the participates boards of up coming shows, and High-fidelity is NOT there, why is that?, why no stereophile Review or The Absolute Sound Reviews either?, I do not get it, if this cable is so profound, how come stereophile and The Absolute Sound has not deemed them best available, or even reviewed them?, they have been circulated long enough to be in the thick of it all!
It's ok calvinj, I support Tara labs because I have never listened to a better cable any where!, I have been to half the united States of America in search of the Best cables and audio, most I cannot afford, some I cannot afford but Buy over time with payments, It would be very cool if we could find a way for you to hear just my cables!, I do like you calvinj, However, The only exspensive cables you have ever owned or listened to is the High-fidelity cables!, man, I have listened to the best from Nordost, Tara Labs,Purist Audio,MIT, Transparent,Audioquest,Kimber cable,Siltech,Cardas,XLO,Synergistic Research, some High-fidelity cables, etc.. just to name a few off the top of my head, I have listened to more than whats listed here, going all the way back to the mid 80s to now, I admit, there are some very good cables out there, Tara labs stands out more than any other cable, one of many traits Tara labs has that is a signature in their sound is the most defined articulate full bass you will ever hear when you get to their top cables, Tara labs extended resolution from top to bottom is just pure incredible, and you never get listener fatigue which goes along way in my quest for audio, I do not have a anti high-fidelity cable obsession, I have a anti Obsession to people who have not heard any cable that is top models from other cable Brands and deem High-fidelty the best!, That is about as meaningless as compairing Rotel to Dan D Agostino Master Audio Systems!
Hey, you do not have to take my word, check out the thread, cable recomendations, look at what the op has said!, I am NOT alone, many audiophiles know what they hear, as it turns out, At the end of the day, look at what they own!
well then, you are saying you have heard 5 differnt top cables from other brands?, how would you know that?, you do not know if the owners of them super systems had the flagship cables from the brands they were useing, and even if they were 5 best of said brands, calvinj, that is skiming the water of whats possible out there!, Go and listen to many top brands over the next few years and tell me then what your thoughts are, when you get the exsperience that I have, I will take interest in what you say about a cable called high-fidelity, Frankly, I do not believe they are in the same conversation as Best available cables!, what I see here on audiogon is people selling all the High-fidelity cables for 60% to 80% loss from full retail price on the used market, that speaks volumes!
Hi melbguy1, Good to see you, tired of explaining the reality of cables to someones who is in a closed in world with no cable exsperience!, I have a pair of vintage 1992 JBL L-7 speakers that do 30hz to 27khz, Bi-amp, 4-way, 68 inches tall, 12 inch inside fireing woofers speakers with special order Tara Labs Omega jumpers from bottom post to top speaker post,That are not on the Tara Labs web site, The speakers are 3ft from side walls, 3 ft from walls behind the speakers, 5 degrees toed in, essentially no toe in, but the 5 degrees made a profound difference, nearly 7ft apart!, these mated to the Tara labs Omega Gold speaker cables are one of the most profound speakers I have ever listened to!, oh, I rotate from time to time the poly crystal speaker footers and still points ss footers, I really took them all out currently, I found that the plith that comes stock under the speakers sound best, why, I cannot explain it?, my front end is a lovely sounding Vincent cd-s7 cd-player that does 24/192, it has a American vintage 6z4 recetifier tube in the power supply, then it has a 12au7 tube, and a 12ax7 tube inside the unit, David, this is my second vincent cd-s7 player, it sounds hugely better than the Ayon cd-2s player!, I run this unit direct to amp, I have incredible speed and transparency doing so, the vincent bested the bass in a krell brand new digital unit that was a little more money, The vincent is only $2,800.00,, I have been through 5 cd-players that costed alot more money, I would put this little unit up against any didgital $10,000.00 on down in a a/b shoot out!, a giant killer I must say, David, this unit conveys music emotional!, never listener fatigue!, just pure musical, you will like this, its a german player!, however, I believe it is made in china, but, this unit is the best, most reliable product I have seen that china has assembled, vincent has very strict building guidlines, you know how the germans are, perfectionist, David, I will soon be tube rolling, however, I am in no hurry, the 6z4 tube I will have to just get another one of them, there is no better tube for that application there, I have some exotic tubes picked out like the RCA 12BH7 Red Label or RCA 12BH7A Black plates for the 12Au7 tube placement, and likly Telefunken 12Ax7 tubes, However David, I only have one chinese tube in my player stock, the player has a Harmonix tube, and the 6z4 tube is vintage American tube, I am afraid to go down that tube rolling Rabbit hole!, meaning, I would be pissed off if I spent money and lost the perfect profound bass and incredible treble extentsion I already have, cheers.
Interesting misternice, great feed back, please keep it coming, so you have not put a Rhodium GTX-D or Gold GTX-D on the tube cd-player to hear which one sounds best with that position?, can you do that test for me?
Gentleman, I assure you these JBL-L7 speaker will desamate most speakers in sound quality!, I do not care what anyone believes, I have modded these speakers with Tara labs Omega Jumpers that are not on the Tara Site , The vincent player destroyed the Ayon cd-2s player in sound quality as well,any of you are welcome to my home to listen for your self, I have nothing to hide, as a matter of fact, I would love to see your faces when you hear these speakers, amp, cd player, the result would be priceless to see your mouths hit the floor!, I have listened to many of the worlds finest over priced speakers, and this digital player is awsome direct to amp, I have litened to $10,000.00 and up players out there that plain riht out suck!
I am a High-end audio Builder like no one you have ever seen before, I do the things I do for many reasons that does not have anything to do with money, I am formost a believer that speakers are the most over priced componet in the high-end audio chain!, It is an incredible effort to find a speaker that is extreme resolving and balanced in tone with the world class Imageing that I demand, the perfect sound stage presatation, tall, wide, deep, and off axis!, I ALSO CANNOT STAND SPEAKERS THAT CANNOT BREATH THE MUSIC PROPERLY!, A speaker that is overly built has no emotion to the sound!, that is like playing a fine violin with 20 braces in it or made of metal, that sound is terrible!, I know what music souds like, I have been a pro musician for most of my 46 years here on Earth, so regarless of what you may believe, you need to listen to whats here!
I will also say, I do not believe Misternice has any tube equipment!, this is interesting that he says the Rhodium outlets sound better on his system, I will also note here that he is a proud owner of the discontinued Tara Labs Onyx interconnect with HFX ground station that is right under my Zero Gold in performance in the old Tara labs model line up, cheers.
Melbguy1, The JBL-L7 speakers in stock form retailed for$2,000.00 in 1992, that would put them in todays market alot higher of a retail price new!, I will also go ahead and shock you even further!, years ago, I had a pair of Cerwin vega PA speakers for the stage that was built for keyboards, they were the V-15E speakers, they were three way Horn loaded speakers that rolled off the treble at 16KHZ, a bullet horn, and a big mouth horn and a folded 15" woofer, guess what, most of the vocals come out of the 15" woofer, I had Krell Class A amp FPB 200 and Tara Labs Best cables at the time with 3 grounding stations on the interconnects!, two mono stations, and one stereo station, the speakers were 106 sensativity and did 40hz, Guess again? that system sounded better than the one I have now!, I had my own inventions for speaker stands, my own resonance tuning devices that I invented, and I modded the speakers with quality internal wireing,I also added gold plated 5-1 speaker post, I got laughed at on a regular bassis!, well, lets say I made money with that system taking from bets that it sounded better than their multi thousand dollar speakers and system!, what I am saying, never underestimate a system entirely to you hear it!
congrats on the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium Misternice, I was under the assumption you had all solid state system, I stand corrected, I am sorry for the mix-up, so you have tube cd-player and pre-amp, ok,do you have the Rhodium outlet on your tube cd-player? cheers.
Melbguy1, Hi, do not leave, I enjoy your postings here, who cares that I have retail $45,000.00 cables on my system?, that is my bussiness, everything has been smooth untill you knew that I had some vintage JBL speakers and a German chinnesse made cd-player, this does not matter David, we go back along way and I enjoy talking to you, please forgive me if I said anything wrong, I am sorry if I frustrated you, I did not intend to, cheers.
Misternice,A very important question here, Do you have The Rhodium GTX-D on your tube cd-player?, I look forward to what you have to say about your impressions of the Gold GTX-D recepticle compaired to the Rhodium GTX-D on your system, thankyou Bob.
Calvinj, congrats on selling your Tara Labs, The one interconnect with chassis ground, $899.00 was a fair price for a discontinued 20 year old cable that does not sound as good as the 2014 Tara Labs The One with HFX grounding station or the ISM on Board version of The one, really, congrats are in full order, it is difficult to sale any thing these days!, cheers to you Calvin.
misternice, I know it may be a pain in the butt, but could you put the cd-player straight into the Rhodium and see what that sounds like then take the Rhodium out of the wall, and then put the Gold in and plug cd-player into the wall with the gold, you will get a A/B test like this, and I would be grateful of your trouble, and I will know for sure which one is best for tube digital so I can procceed with buying the one I need for my tube digital, thankyou.
Misternice, Thankyou for helping me and Tboooe, however, be careful, it's not wise to run a power amp into a power conditioner, your amp will either sound quirky, or get hot from starving from power if it is a high current amp of over 150 watts per channel, I look forward to what happens here, and your impressions, cheers.
very Awsome indeed Misternice, I believe, on the most part, The Rhodium GTX-D on tube digital is It from your very useful feed back, I already have the best speed and slam I have had on any system that I have ever owned, so to keep that, and not to add a sound that will change my sound, The Rhodium would be good for that position, what was your impressions on the solid state amp between the Gold and Rhodium?, Bob, whatever is your best sounding, biggest gauge for conductors power cable should go on the wall to power distributor, a power cord in this position carries the biggest burden of most componets, so if the Harmonix xdc2 fits that description, then you have what you need there, look forward to more, you are doing a fine job!, Happy Listening.
Misternice, so you are saying that in your best opinion, The Furutech GTX-D Rhodium sounds best on each piece of equipment over the Furutech GTX-D Gold?
very nice Bob, job well done, you have been a huge help to me, though I may have brought the whole idea up on this thread of the Furutech GTX-D Recepticles, you concluded what sounds best to you, and I trust your ears!, we have been talking here for a long time, many come and go, but you are there, Thankyou, so if you are out there Tboooe, read Bob's- Misternice's conclusions of the GTX-D outlets, I look forward to your other Rhodium to Bob, we can now see if more than one is to much, or better?, cheers.
Hi Sabai, welcome back to the thread, seems the Rhodium works for misternice, I trust what he hears, I am going to get a Rhodium for my tube digital, Sabai, Do you think the Rhodium will be a good fit over the Gold for my Krell 700cx?, Misternice preferred the Rhodium on his solid state amp too,BTW, can tell us about your system?, that would be a very good read, How long have you been doing audio?, I want everyone here to get to know you and discuss audio with you, thankyou.
This is the Peoples thread!, I have said that months ago, However, I will be inputting some info about Tara labs new offerings here soon, now that the small bunch of us has concluded the investagation of the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold, to be honest here,other than Tara labs information, we do not bother with, oh, you must stay on topic, really, get out of here, that is for snobs!, any one can talk about what they want to here, this is the internet!, free to speach, everyone knows if they have questions on any Tara labs cables to come here and ask me!, I am glad to share all that I know, other than pricing, that is between you and Tara labs, and Tara Labs Dealers, if you want to see real buzz about Tara labs new cables, just go to whats best forum site, and Audioshark forum site, the shark site owner himself is getting the new Tara labs Grandmaster Evolution cables, he knows there is no better cable system available!
Hi calvinj, I agree with your post, not everyone is here for the right reasons!, I am here for the pure love of music, I dedicated my whole life as a musician, and now that I am older and realize chaseing being a rock star is over, now I enjoy my system and my Tara labs cables, I am still building my system, that is the funny part of what some do not understand, I am getting ready to tube roll my cd-player with $500.00 a piece tubes!, The Mullard 10M for the 12AX7 tube position, and maybe the CBS 7318 for the 12AU7 position, and finally rolling the 6z4 recetifier tube to what?, I have not made permenant resavations for yet,then this player will end up on a second system I will build at a latter time, I will be very pickey as to what a so called respectable digital unit I get for the main system, the speakers I have will go on the second system as well, if I can find speakers that are very good and not over hyped and over priced!, or I might build them my self and use exotic caps inside with top tier drivers, I know people in the industry that will build cabinets to what ever my specs are, and believe this, they would never be over braced, or metal to kill the emotion of the music if I went that route, my system is on going, and will take the next few years to complete, I am a builder formost than anything, so patience and knowlegeable decisions are a must, cheers calvinj.
Hi melbguy1, welcome back to the thread, have you got your new Jorma cables yet?, I still would like to read your review of the new Jorma statement cables you are buying into, I have been enjoying my Tara labs cables hugely, I recently did a test that may interest you, the test was shocking and a suprise actually, I always wanted to know why bi-amp speaker jumper cables was so short, 8 to 16 inches, now I know why all cable brands make them short, my jumper cables are special order from Tara labs, they are NOT on the Tara labs web-site, the main science behind these Omega 10" jumpers is that the conductors around the small diameter air tubes is spaced configured in the same helix outlay as my Omega Gold speaker cables, they do not have the girth as my omega Gold speaker cables, as it turns out, no need for it, importantly, everything else is the same!, since the Tara labs The one speaker cables have more conductors and bigger air tube, I thought why not try them as jumper cables, they are 6ft long, but NOT with the same conductor outlay as the Omega jumpers or omega speaker cables, talking about a wow factor, The One 6ft speaker cables used as jumper cables was a failure!, I lost a huge amount of bass on the sub woofers section in the cabinet of my speakers, the imageing on the off axis sound was gone, I did get a little more forward sound of the presatation, but when I swapped back the Tara labs Omega Jumpers, it was like wala!, I had the complete total magic back, I cannot explain as to why I lost most of my bass useing the one speaker cables in this position, other than they must have sucked to much current from the bottom post for being to long, istead of 10 inches, with the jumpers, the sound stage was huge and layered, very deep and wide and tall, imageing on off axis was superb, bass was like a bomb going off, with defined accuracy that was unbelievable to behold, I did this yesaterday, so the Tara labs Omega Jumpers are very special indeed, they have transformed my speakers into a much, much more costly sound!, at the end of the day, I am very impressed by the omega jumpers and Happy with them, and I know I am one of very few in the U.S.A. that have these!, cheers david, good to see you.
calvinj, did you read my post to you on 9-26-14?, do you still have the ressonence Mirus dac?, how is that coming along?, which Hf digital cable are you ueing with it?
Misternice, Hi, I have a 20amp circuit breaker now on my amp, as soon as I get the GTX -D for that, I have a new single pole 30amp breaker I will be useing on my amp, as krell said it would sound better and run smoother doing so, cheers.
calvij, Thankyou for your reply, keep me posted on what you are doing on your system man!, always great to listen to your journey!
I do not understand, my 9-27-14 post to melbguy1 was all about Tara labs cables!, seems like someone is not reading the thread, and tring to start unnessary friction on this thread that has got along with everyone, and talked about many different topics with Tara labs cables, as a matter of fact, most that talk here about other topics have Tara labs cables in their system, so we talk about what sounds good with tara labs cables!, thankyou Acman3 for your post, cheers.
Hi calvinj, Oh No!, This thread is not dying,calvin, I talk all over with absolute no interaction problems, It seems that there was just a couple of folks that came onto this thread and wanted to read more about Tara labs cables, what they did not realize is that the bunch that talks here has atleast one Tara labs cable in their system, and we were discusseing different audio tweeks that work real good with our componets and Tara labs cables that we use, an example was ueing Furutech GTX-D Rhodium or Gold recepticles for the wall, cheers my friend, good to see you, you are welcome here.
Hi Sts, Copper is all Tara labs needs when they have their own patent on a higher grade purity copper, The occ's best is six-nines copper that cannot be annealed, annealing is a proccess that Tara labs has a patent on, useing any other metal alloy of the likes of Gold or silver, Rhodium is NOT patent, any one can use what ever metal conductor they desire,although Tara labs makes their cables by hand, they have equipment that was designed for them that no one else has to make such a conductor as the Gen 2 and the new Gen 3 conductors, then there is the dielectrics that are patent in their new top cables that no one else has, Tara labs Gen 2 and Gen 3 is Eight-nines purity copper that is unsurpassed by the industry, why would Tara Labs need to use any other metal configuration for a conductor?, Tara Labs also has a coductor lay out configuration that is speced to be exact in the two top cables they have now, that alone is a feat unmatched in the industry to achieve, their is speciality equipment that is used for doing this configuration of the conductors before the cables are made by hand, if done correctly, copper is the best conductor for audio, an example of this is the FACT Furutech of Japan uses occ copper for their base metal of their top Recepticles, The GTX-D outlets, then they plate it with either Rhodium or Gold for different sound needs for any given system, However, Furutech is the only electrical outlet company in the world that uses copper for their base metal, The out come is that the Furutech GTX-D recepticles are known through out the audio community as the most liked for sound over all others, without the copper for the base metal, this feat could not be achieved, cheers.
Sts, The occ copper is NOT what Tara labs uses!, They have Eight-Nines copper instead of the occ six-Nines copper, then their conductor is retangular that they do have a patent on, what I meant to say, was that tara labs has a patent on their annealing proccess of their conductors!, if you believe you are making some kind of point here, then why are the cables that are thousands of dollars Tara labs makes selling?, you are saying it's only copper, I proved that there is way more to this than you realize, If I listened to you, all I need is a fricken copper zip cord and I'm done, really?, you should not undermine such a superior cable as Tara labs to benefit yourself!, If you had any thing better to offer, well then everyone would buy what you have instead of Tara labs, If you like, send me your very best cable, and in turn I will pittt it against what I have for Tara labs cables that is NOT their very best, I will be honest and fourth coming of the review, if you cannot meet the challenge here, then why do you speak out of line?
Sts is the owner and designer of Gabriel Gold cables, I wanted all of you to know that here.
sts, there is NOTHING misinformed here about Tara labs period!, the information is straight off their web-site, LOL!, now you are saying their own information is incorrect?, really?, scare off potential clients?, I'm NOT a dealer!, that has no bearing with me!, the information that is posted by me is brand new material!, I have not repeated what I have posted, However, I believe I will to make sure all reads the profound achievements made by Tara labs, instead of being burried by sinceless post you made to discredit their products!, everyone, read my 10-2-14 post of the new Tara labs Generation 3 conductors, Happy listening to all.