Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 50 responses by audiolabyrinth

Jebsmith73, I would not try a kraken power cord in my system unless I knew what It sounds like first,otherwise, That would be a wast of time and money.
IBlieve, Hi, did you have luck selling your Esoteric power cord?, what was you going to do for the replacement?
Misternice, make sure you authenticate the Omega gold speaker cable with serial number on the cable with Tara labs, very important!, there was a omega spaker cable that was the first version, It is not the same, or as good as a real Omega gold, then there is counterfiet cables from where ever, Beware!, However, the real Omega gold for 8ft used best price is $10,000.00 to $11,500.00 u.s. dollar, likly the last cable you will ever own for speaker cables, there is not nobody that makes a better speaker cable as this model, Bar none!
Bob, man-o-man, no one will ever believe me!, At 678 hours of break-in, This Tara labs cobalt FINALLY is doing everything excellent!, bass was the last thing to get accurate, as it turns out, this is a profound power cord!, It seems no one gives this power cord enough of burn-in before they give their impressions, I know, I did the same, I WAS going to sale it, absolutly a keeper now!, it has a synergy with the Tara Labs Zero gold interconnect and Omega Gold speaker cables that is AWSOME!, However, I can tell you, never before have I exsperienced such a long break-in with anything, the waite was worth while!
I have an up-date on the new tara labs introductions, stay tuned!, the most profound cables are Here, new multiple models above the Tara labs cobalt power cables, A Highly respected mainstream reviewer will acclaim the new Tara labs top model interconnects, speaker cables, power cables, as best money can buy, It's comming, the end game is near, as always, you heard it first from the audiolabyrinth.
Hi Everyone, The Brand New Tara Labs Power cables are as follows, The cobalt was the top model, Tara Labs still has the cobalt in the line-up, so starting with the cobalt AC power cord to each model after that is the performance levels, The Cobalt AC power cable, The NEW Cobalt AC Reference power cable, The New Omega Evolution AC power cable, The new Grandmaster Evolution AC power cable,, I read how these new power cords are made, very, very, good new technology, If any of you out there buys any of the New, or listens to a well burned-in new Tara Labs model power cord, share your impressions here, as always, you heard it first from the Audiolabyrinth, Happy Listening.
Calvinj, The krell 700cx modified sounds incredible, alot different than before, somehow, the amp has some of the most perfect grainless-none brittle treble I have ever listened to, I am quite happy with the total sound quality over what a normal Krell 700cx sounds like, The Tara labs cobalt that is on the cd-player took a very long time to break-in, longest in my history, I suppose that was due because the digital unit only draws 25 to 30 watts from the wall!, the power cord took 568 hours before it worked out all the quirkes, all that said, I am hearing the Tara Labs Zero Gold do sound that I did not know was possible with this cable, it's like I got a better cable, LOL!, one sound in particular that stands out is the most incredible horn, piano, and vocal music is so organic and real sounding, it makes your hair stand up on your neck, jazz is off the chain, there is a draw back, The amp gets very hot, I have to polish and condition my speakers or the amp litterally dries the wood out in a month, cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, Welcome back to the thread, You would have to call Mr. Devon Scott at Tara Labs to get price quotes on the new A/C power cables, if you do, tell him Keith-audiolabyrinth sends best regards to him, I'm interested in the Omega Evolution A/C power cable myself, these cables just got released, hot off the press, suppose to be far better than the standard Cobalt power cord, if you get a chance to audition a well burned-in new Tara Labs power cord, share your impressions here on this thread if you will, cheers
I personally talked to Mathew Bond, The man, quote- In no way is the madison cable compairable to the new Tara labs offerings that I Designed!, and in my personal opinion, not as good as the previous top model Tara cables, Mathew did a cable team with madison as a revenue to make MONEY, never intended to be better than the company he started, and mathew owns the biggest percent of ownership of Tara labs, case closed.
calvinj, I likly will not get a welcomed response on the high-fidelity thread about my last post, I enjoy your ethusiasm, But I believe you should come on over to the Tara labs, Once you have listened to the New tara labs Evolution Zero interconnect and Evolution Omega speaker cables in your system, It WILL be a significant Game changer you will never forget the rest of your life, likly to re-morgage your home to get the cables A.S.A.P.
oh, if you are asking about my post about madison cables?, My bad, my computer went to a page of this thread that I believed was the last post, It was not!, that's old news, forgive me.
I believe you calvinj, hey, atleast you are changing up your system, I may be stuck for a while, I am buying tweeks that cost alot for what they are, like recepticles, that's next on my list, I am also going to get some deoxit Gold for cleaning and conditioning contacts on plugs and spades, balanced pins, etc..., they say this stuff works great, waxwaves swears by it, he uses it alot, cheers.
Well Then, I see the Buzz is beginning!, I too Talk to Devon Scott and Mathew Bond quite alot, I was told that the review to end all cable reviews was coming, Devon would not tell me the reviewers name, when the review comes out, or where, I am sure he will when it gets released, My question here is what is a WBF member?, what would be great would be a direct comparision to High-fidelity cable company's Very best cable in the up coming review, I noticed you posted prices, even if I knew them,BTW, I do!, I do not post retail prices of the new Tara Labs cable line, prices may vary from one dealer to another, and the distributors also may have different pricing for personal clients, so in the end, I refer all audiophiles to Devon Scott of Tara Labs, This way, Devon can do what he wants with the customer,I also posted detailed info on ALL new Tara Labs cable models on another thread a few months back, whoe and behold, a member from the High-fidelity cable thread complained, and in turn, The biggest cable thread about Tara labs was DELEATED!, Tara Labs Now has most of the info on most of the new cables, They yet added the new info on the New power cables, The new Cobalt Referance power cord, The New Evolution Omega Power cord, and the New Evolution Grandmaster power cord, currently I own the Tara Labs Zero Gold interconnect and Omega Gold Speaker cables, and The Standard Cobalt with Oyaide plug and IEC, On a Personal Note, I have NEVER heard a better cable than the interconnect and speaker cables I own, and yes, I have listened to some High-fidelity products, I have in the works of up-gradeing to the all NEW Tara Labs Evolution Zero interconnect and the ALL NEW Evolution Omega speaker cables, However, At the price, I admitt, This will Take me the next year or so to complete buying them, Really, It's no hurry at all, since the cables I own now are profound on my system, also I wanted you to know, I am one of the first people world wide to get all proto-type pictures and info on all Tara Labs Products before anyone else ever knows, Regardless, Himiguel, your post is a VERY welcome post to behold, Thankyou so much, you are welcome to this thread about Tara Labs cable owners, and Yes, You can also talk about anything off topic here!, another question to Himiguel, Do you own any of the NEW Tara Labs cable models yourself?, Thankyou Himiguel for such a wonderfull post, cheers to you, Happy Listening.
ok, I believe I figured it out on my own, WBF is what's Best Forum, I just read the member who bought the new Tara Labs Evolution Grandmaster cables post, I suspect more user post to be surfacing over the next year, all these cables are NEW!, The buzz takes a while for any profound product to come about, However, It's coming!
also, you need to know, The Duel Mono Block Grounding station on the Tara Labs Evolution interconnect has a componet ground, most of us use it on grounding to componets chassis, so when you get a product like Tripoint Troy signature power conditioner, It has a dedicated Ground that is well thought out, On further researching the post of the owner of the Grandmaster cables, He simply grounded to the Tripoint instead of a componet, In all reality, most any line conditioner with a dedicated grounding scheme would Hugely be better than grounding to a componet chassis!, This had NOTHING to do with the cable or Tripoint, Had everything to do with better grounding, I am sure the Tripoint is a fine product, many love them, I am sure I would too, cheers.
@ Rsf507, Welcome to the thread, Tara labs makes very good cables for less money, I might not get the Evolution Grandmaster, However, It is my believe nothing can surpass the 2nd from the top, Evolution Zero interconnect and matching Evolution Omega speaker cables, These are exspensive too!, But attainable,As A matter of fact, Tara labs is still selling the Zero Gold and Omega Gold,I own these cables currently, On my system, I know No better cable.
Hi Himiguel, I took a peek at your system page, You own alot of Tripoint products, I hear and read many good things about this product, from what I understand, It is one of the very best of what it does, man, congrats to you!, you own quite alot of the Tripoint products, alot of $ for sure, I bet your system benefitted Hugely, can you elaborate on Tripoint products here for us, It would be a good read, Thankyou.
Tboooe, The Tara Labs The One digital cable with HFX station would be very good on your system, If you like The two with HFX station interconnect, you will love the model-The One digital cable with HFX grounding station, Good to see you Tboooe.
calvinj, your assesment is absolutly correct, However, The Excellent thing about Tara labs, Is they work on most systems to good effect, not all of them, just most.
Anyone out there had the chance to listen to any of the new tara labs power cords, such as the cobalt referance, The Evolution Omega, The Evolution Grandmaster power cords????
good to see you back misternice, what model number furetech recepticle did you get?, is it the gold or rhodium type?
misternice, what have you been up to?, How did the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium work out with your Tara Labs cable house sound?, Should be burned in by now?, Whats your conclusion impressions?, look forward to your reply, cheers.
Misternice-Bob, If you can get your hands on the Furutech GTX-Gold or GTX-Rhodium it would be the end game, the GTX furutech is suppose to be the best recepticle money can buy, it is a recepticle for the wall you are getting?, I am getting the furutech GTX model soon, the outlets have to break-in too, so you may not form your final impressions for some time, cheers.
Bob, The Tara labs Cobalt with oyaide terminations turned out quite good, I am satiesfied, during break-in, the cable had exagerated bass and a some brightness to the mids and treble, man has that all went away, I have learned you have to keep power going through the cobalt atleast a couple hours a day to keep it sounding great, if you leave the cable un used for two or three days, it will begin to sound un-burned in again, very strange, takes alot longer for all my other cables to not sound burned-in, like a couple of weeks or more, now, The Tara labs Cobalt does sound like a referance power cord, the bass is very defined, deep, and super fast, you can here music you never heard on your recordings before, the treble is incredible, the mids are too, really a very good balanced tone cable to say the least, clarity is top shelf, foremost, this power cable is lighting fast with slam!, not bad, since I only paid $1,000.00 for this 3ft cobalt with oyaide terminations, the terminations I discovered gives the cobalt a smooth warm sound to it, helps equal out alot with the extreme resolution, cheers.
congrats Bob, that is awsome, when the level does more, it's always good!, very well done, cheers
I do not know calvin, I do not even see them any where on the audiogon these days, I have not said nothing to them to leave, I do miss talking to pops, Grey9hound, waxwaves, etc...
That is cute fellas, But I do not believe Tara Labs would go for that, sadly, I believe it's best not to call me Mr Tara Labs, patent infrigement comes to mind with many other bad etc..., any way, welcome to the thread Melbguy1, here we talk about any thing, there is no such thing as getting off topic here, it's the people's thread, as a matter of fact calvinj, melbguy1 knows alot about audio, especially particular tubes, ask him anything audio and you would be amazed with his accurate answers to help you, cheers.
Melbguy1, yes got that right, I can only dream about The Evolution Grandmaster cables, The next level down is called, The Evolution Zero I/C and Evolution Omega speaker cables, These are my target to get over the next two years, hopefully less time, who knows, I'm just working towards them is all I know, when I get my hands on them, these should be the last cables for me at this level, would be great to ride off into the sunset and be done with buying and selling, you know, getting off the merry go round, cheers.
calvinj, believe it or not, I have owned a few other brands of cables in my time, when I discovered Tara labs on my own, I remember, my first Tara labs interconnect, A $40.00 prism, then a $60.00 made for cd-digital prism, I was in owe how the cheap Tara labs was better sounding for little money back then compaired to other cables costing the same, But man, have times changed!, Tara Labs does not even make cables costing that kind of money any more, to tell you the truth, I do not know what their cheapest cables cost?, It's been a very long time that I have had the model called The One, and much higher models of Tara labs cables, off the top of my head, I believe I may have been buying Tara labs cables for atleast 20 years or 25 years, cheers calvin.
wow! Melbguy1, congrats on a fine cable, will you do some reviews of some of your cables and equipment here, this thread is up to 16,000 views, so you never know who you can find that may have in common the equipment and cables you enjoy, you can answer questions on what you have or owned would be an asset to us all, cheers.
Chris Vanhause there at vh-audio has an option to put the Furutech GTX recepticles on a cooker that saves alot of burn-in time, as a matter of fact, he keeps some already cooked in stock on the shelfs, that way, no one has to waite a few days for them to cook on his cooker, that is the option I'm taking when I order one, I will need two, I will order the second one latter.
Melbguy1, let me know where you do your reviews, I do enjoy the nice reads, I enjoy learning what you have to say, most of the equipment you have, I have no exsperience with, so all that you say will be a treat indeed, however, please elaborate about the gigawatt power conditioner here, if you do not mind, I will be in the market for such a device to go on my temporary cd-player on my main system, Temporary-meaning, I will be putting it on a second system when I am able to buy a much better piece, The vincent cd-s7 has a gorgeous sound, worth keeping for sure, it is a tube/solid state hybred player, it has the 12au7 times 1 and 12ax7 times 2, and a 6z4 recitifier tube in the power supply, an exceptional player for $2,500.00 that sounds better to me than the Ayon cd-2s that was alot more money, cheers.
Thankyou melbguy1 for your great response, that is an awsome line conditioner!, I never seen one handle a high current amp either,thanks for the link as well to the conditioner, your new cd-player is very costly, I was shocked of the retail, not many players these days cost that, you been through alot, and alot of money, you deserve this player, ENJOY, Happy Listening.
Misternice, If you are out there, Melbguy1 lives in Australia to, maybe you should say Hi to him here, cheers.
David-melbguy1, that is my dealer for the furutech GTX -Rhodium or Gold recepticles, Chris is a great guy!, we have talked many times, for some reason, he reffered the Gold over Rhodium for my system, hey, check out this product he carries, It's called the plasmatron, very incredible, I talked to Steve nugent of Imperical audio about this, that is who brought it to my attention, then I talked to Chris Vanhause there at vh-audio and now have had a relationship ever since, tell me what you think when you look on the vh-audio site and research the plasmatron, do you know Bob-misternice?, I have had a great audiogon relationship with Bob for a while now, cheers.
Bob, I'm not sure if there is a market for used state of the art recepicles?, I was considering doing the same, get a gold and a rhodium, chris reffered both me and melbguy1 to get the gold on our warm sounding solid state, I do remeber talking to chris, he did say the difference was very subtle, but noticable, all I know is what chris at vh-audio and the furutech site says gold on solid state, Rhodium on tube equipment, would be nice if you got both and sharred your impressions before I buy mine, so I can conclude my decision on what to buy, do you know melbguy1, he lives on the other side of australia from you?, cheers.
misternice, have you read the info on the furutech GTX-D gold and rhodium?, All GTX recepticles are pure copper, and then plated with 24 carrot gold or Rhodium platting, Thankyou Bob, I will keep that in mind if I do not like the GTX-D Gold, never know, I am hoping I like what it does, did you get your last stealth power cord yet?
Side_kicki, what do you need to know about the Tara Labs 0.3?, There is two version's that's made now, The extended band width version that comes with the hfx ground station, and the controlled band width version, that is the ISM on board., I can answer all questions you may have, cheers.
Melbguy1, Hi, I'm confused as well on the desicion to get gold or Rhodium GTX Furutech!
Hi Tboooe, How does the Tara cable sound now?,have not seen you here in a while, welcome back!
Thanks Jmcgrogan2, I watched your video link, I got a good laugh out of it, I liked it when the kid come up to the glass, I do feel like that at times, especially tring to convince someone the sky is blue and they say it's green currently, great sence of humor John, I needed that, cheers.
yeah melbguy1 and misternice, Likly I best do what chris says and do the Furutech GTX-D Gold, It appears David, you are going to go with the Gold, Thanks for the furutech disclosure for me david, I did not know I was beginning to sound like I work for vh-audio, mmmm, people must think I work for tara labs, Major disclosure!, I audiolabyrinth do not work for Tara Labs In any way,form, or fashion, Bob, when you said you are getting the Rhodium, Is that a GTX-D recepticle you are talking about?, and what do you mean the inner and outer?, cheers melbguy1 and misternice.
Melbguy1, man, you will not believe what I did today?, I last did this stint in the late 90s, However, after talking to Devon Scott there at Tara labs today, I subscribed to stereophile and The absolute sound audio mags, LOL!, As it turns out, Stereophile will be having a review in september, likly october, november, of the cables I am working toward, The Tara Labs Zero Evolution Interconnect, The Omega Evolution speaker cables, I do not know if you are aware of, I did acomplish getting the Tara Labs Zero Gold interconnect and Omega Gold speaker cables, This may not mean much to anyone, what I have is the best cables I have ever heard in my life!, neitherless, I will keep what I have and acquire the new model cable, and then, as far as cables, I will ride off into the sunset!, currious, I would like to know all that you have to say about the new Jorma cables, I have been told by many that they are some of the state of the art cables out there, cheers.