Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 50 responses by misternice

Hi there keith, I had a nice little win yesterday. The dust cover on my turntable got damaged in transit from the usa.I would have been happy with just a new cover, They gave me a full refund, so I got a very nice sota sapphire, mk 4, for free.Very cool, a early xmas present.I would recommend a turntable like that for you keith.Easy to set up, theyre great sounding, and you can jump up and down,2 feet from it ,and the needle wont jump off the record.
Hi Calvinj,I wish I was in a postion to hear all your guys systems,in person. Maybe just aswell,Im on the other side of the world.I think I might be alot lighter in the pocket.
Rebel 721 has a system to be very chuffed with aswell.Those grand masters would be breath taking too,I would think.
Sorry rebel721,thats what I meant.My stealth arrived today,its designed for the amp,I have it on the preamp at the moment,because of the plug configuration.Its pretty good,lots of everything.I suppose,Ill have to get a few more now.
Hi keith no worries with any tt help.The gap has closed between digital and analog,For me its nice to have both,I grew up with 45s and 33 records,theres just something about spinning a record.There is a nice vpi aries 1 for sale here on gon,that would look good next to your ayon cd player.
Im looking into putting a 20amp iec on my amp too keith,my stealth is designed for the amp,which has the 15 amp iec.Oh I forgot to say,the reason I got the tt for free,was because,I was honest and just being mr nice.It doesn't happen too often does it,a freebee.
Hi ,the PC is used,so she was running good after a minute and really good the next day.Yes I really like them,it doesn't do anything wrong,and everything right.I was hoping michael ,had another one ,so I hinted and yes.So another one is on the way.So I'm a very happy chappy.
Keith,the voodoo adapter arrived,so I tried the stealth on the CD player and the amp,which it was designed for.It really came on on the amp too.So one on the pre and the amp ,should take me to,another level again.The owner of stealth,said I shouldn't loose anything with it on the pre ,if I stay with the same PC on the amp,which I was hoping he would say.Cause it really is superb.
Hi keith, give me a couple of weeks, my other pc should be here by then.Im away on holiday for two weeks. Judyazblues be nice to keith while im away.cheers
Cheers thanks,Ive read theyre good.At the moment ,I use magnan signature,which is very good,musical,but lacks real speed.Ill stick with them for another 6 months or so.It will be hard for me to part with so much money for a set of speaker cables.2k for a pc,was twice what ive paid,before.The talk is keith,pink Floyd may be coming out with a album before the year is out,the should be very interesting.
Hi there.First week back at work, not that easy, but I survived it.Not much happening mate., my pc isnt here yet , but cant be too far away.I got a furetech 20 amp socket keith, its very well made.I may throw that on the amp this weekend.
Hi.. the f133 rhodium.Hopefully thats the right choice.Parts connexion was the best deal.The other crowd not mentioning names, had $114 for postage.So had to by pass that one.
Hi there,yes its definitely worth getting those recepticles,ill have to get a couple..My other v12 arrived yesterday,2 is better than 1,that's for sure.My system has just jumped a few more levels.Listening to it today,its just awesome.
Hi Keith,I would go with what Chris recommends,he is the expert.At this stage I've just ordered the r.I'll take just one step at a time,I didn't realize,the inner and outer are extra,no problem though.
Hi there Keith.I think I have made a gain with the furutech 20 amp iec on the amp.I'll know tomorrow for sure.I just started the stereo this afternoon. It wasn't hard changing out the 15amp,it did have a fuse in it,which the 20 amp hasnt got.I screwed the wires in yesterday and retightened them today,,which it does need,IMO.I have a voodoo wall plug here,I mite put that on, till the gtx arrives,just to know.It probably wouldn't hurt to have a gold and a rhodium wall plug,what do you think ? One component just mite sound better on the gold.Just a thought.
I'm happy with the rhodium on the amp.I've removed one adapter there,now to get rid of the adapters on the wall.If I have a gold and a rhodium gtx,that gives me options.I will take them with me when I know where I'm going to finally set up my system.Keith I can't see me buying the omega gold speaker cables,I wish I could,but even at 10k,its still a lot of coin.I may go stealth there,at under half the price.Xmas is not far away,saving for the rest of the year now.No I don't know melguy1,well I don't think so.
Hi there,just fired up the stereo,the furutech rhodium iec,is a big improvement on my system,compared to the standard iec.I wouldn't have thought there would be much in it.Im glad I didn't go for the gold there,thats just for me.Your system could be different,as the stealth are a warmish pc.Im expecting another big improvement when I change the wall outlets.Way more transparency and the good stuff
Thanks melguy1, thats good to know..Ill order them tonight.Im thinking the gold mite be good for the digital.I may look at changing the cd player iec in the future..I bet thats a $1 iec
Hi keith..ill buy the gold gtx off you if you decide its not quite there.I see chris has a new copper gtx advertised..copper is usually musical..?
Oh,i read it wrong,i thought there was a third product.Ill order it before the 25th,chris has gone away till then.Ill put the voodoo ig 8300 on and see how that goes today.Thats 95 percent copper apparently.Yes the v12 arrived.I will have to try another pc on the cd player,im currently using a ps audio ac12,its ok.A revelation audio labs precpt 2 mite be the go.$650 new free WW delivery.
The v12 would probably work quite well on the CD player.I'm starting to wind down my spending on the stereo.Rebel721 had it on his player,so it must be pretty good.If it doesn't work for me there,it apparently works good on the phonostage.
Hi,Beck morning phase,is my reference CD.If it sounds slow,I've changed out a power cord.Plus its a good recording.Keith,its hard to explain the v12,its good right across the board,its got a sweetness,about them,good detail,bass ,mids and nice and clear,musical you could say.There would be better and worse out there.I'm happy with them,and have no plans of changing them.The voodoo wall recepticle,is pretty good,a big improvementon on a standard wall recepticle.
Hi Calvinj,what have you been listening to lately.? Hi there Keith,I'm quite impressed with the voodoo wall recepticle,its the first time I haven't had to use adapters for the USA powercords.In the last week,I've removed 3 adapters,a cheap wall recepticle,a old iec with a fuse in it,so things are coming along.I still would like to hear the gtx recpticles in action.
Great,records were the fashon way back when.Yes the stereo is getting more transparent,for under a couple of hundred dollars,not including the gtx.The rack and the electricals,I probably should have done first.Oh well, whats new.
Hi,i just ordered the gold gtx,I didn't want to take the chance of brightness entering the system.When Im tired at the end of the day,brightness bums me out.Ill see how this goes.Tidying up these power connections has brought more decay to the notes,which is very pleasing.Keith,I picked up a cheap revelation audio labs,precept pc cable.Ill let you know how that compares to the ps audio ac12,which isn't too bad.For me its a steal,in audio,$138 I think it cost me,on ebay.I got the uncooked gtx,I like hearing the changes it goes through,about a week this last one took.The pc takes 3 days to get up to speed anyway.Have a good weekend everyone.
I think they should be burned in in a week,the voodoo did,maybe there is some more to come,Ill let you know if another change happens.Some of my cds have a bit of brightness too them,so ill try the gold.If I have to go rhodium down the track,no problem.These speakers are very revealing,ill try to stick with them,time will tell.
Hi,another reason I went for the gold,I didn't really want any more transparency or possibly a more clinical sound.For my cd player,the gtx gold mite be worth a try.Ill try the pre and amp on it aswell,just to know.Keith once the gtx and new pc settle in,ill go through all the cds,put the great sounding ones to the left for this player.My not so good sounding favourites.Ive been thinking,I have got a similar cd player back home,putting on a not so revealling interconnect.Another option,isnt it,running 2 cd players.I don't want to be spending thousands more on my system to be honest.
looking at it now,cheers.interesting,another option.Ive tried to stay away from them in the past.
Hi,Ive put the gold gtx,in the power box.The cd player and pre are plugged into that.When another rhodium arrives,then I can do the a,b tests.At this stage its another big gain,with the rhodium at the wall and gold together.Ive got a smoother,fuller sound with detail,blacker back ground.Hence Im hearing a few things Ive never heard before.The next rhodium is on the way,then we'll see.Hope that's help full.
Hi hows it all going.Im waiting for my bits to arrive,I couldn't help myself and ordered the gtx rhodium as well.If it doesn't work for me now,im sure it will in the future.Ive decided the kef ls 50 speakers are only temporary in my system.Amazing little speaker they are,Im missing full range speakers.I don't think ill be happy until I have B @ W 802 or 800 speakers for a year or two.I love those killer looks.Not his year,maybe next.
Hi..I bet they sound good..I have Osborne epitome speaker's with bass bins at home in new zealand.But they took over the whole lounge.thats why I thought id go monitors.Hence the ls 50s.Ive wanted the b@w new 800 series speakers for the longest time.And now they are a reasonable price.
Calvinj,I love the look of them.Ive had the earlier fs 802 speakers,they were alright too.I wont be happy until I try them for a year,then we'll see.
Keith .im looking forward to the reviews. Just to know.Chris at vh audio.,went to a California audio show..so did another person I recieved a email from.I wonder if tara labs would have them on show next august.It seems that may be a show worth seeing . California
Great,I would like to hear them in action,Ive never been to the US.The revelation audio labs precept cable is on the cd player right now,it just arrived.I have to give it the thumbs up,even after the first few minutes.I believe anyone who tries it will not be disappointed.Some glare has gone and its also got a full,sweetness about it.No detail is missing,and good timing.
I forgot to say,Ive got more music in my system, those thinner cds sound better already.I was hoping,i would lose the brightness from the other pc.Two gtx to come and that's me for the rest of the year.Fuck,excuse the language,this stereo gobbled up 10k this year,bloody thing.These kef ls 50 speakers for just over a k,sucked it all up, and said give me more,without breaking a sweat.Definately good for showing up any weakness and how good your additions are in your system.
Hi,I have the amp plugged into one socket,and the voodoo power box plugged into the other.The cd player,pre are plugged into that.I will take out one of the voodoo recepticles,and install the gold gtx,and see how that goes as they are far superior.I will order another rhodium and install that into the power box aswell,as it can take two by two recepticles.My instincts tell me to have two rhodiums in the power box,but one step at a time.Who knows the gold my find a home there,it still is a very fine piece of audio kit.With the rhodium,I lost a lot of brightness,Im hoping to lose more when the power box gets a make over with gtx.
Hi there,hope all is well.I thought best to let you know,after having the gtx on for a week,it does sound good right out of the box.And now the rhodium,the rhodium is the one to go for,imo.Its not bright or harsh sounding.Alot
better,(on my system).Im yet to have both going at the same time,to maximise each of there potential.The revelation audio labs precept is the best pc Ive owned on a cd player,keith.I have no doubt there is better,this one will do me.
Hi..I have a tube cd player and pre.Out of the box the rhodium has more bling and music coming out.it .It could be it takes longer to settled down or its a better match with my other rhodium bits and pieces. Ill put the gold recepticle in as well and try the pc in different positions. .But if I had to pick one or the other. ..it would be the rhodium. .I like what it does.I think you will have to try it just to know...do you think ?
Hi,I thought this gtx thing,mite be a sore point.But I had to say my unbiased findings.Along with several other posts.The rhodium is the best,on many a stereo system.Its not forward,its bang on,more dynamic and a lot closer to where I want to be.cheers
Hi,to do that keith,I would have to take out the amp pc which sounds the best in the wall.I can tell you which ones sounds best,the rhodium,though I could be wrong.I guy on audiogon ,has just listed 3 for sale.Theres only one way to truly know.
I can put the amp pc in the voodoo box and do a a.b between the rhodihm and the rhodium gold combo..which is better than just the gold.Ill do it after work and let u know what the cd player does
Hi,its not a conditioner,its a power distributor,and it actually didn't sound too bad this time with the amp plugged in it.So I could give you a little insight.The cd player plugged into the rhodium,opened up some and I could see further into the recording.I could only have the gold,if it is like it is now,through the rhodium wall plug.The gold is too polite,and you give up speed and dynamics.This is only my point of view.I did try out the pre and the amp aswell, while I was at it.The box has a rhodium iec and I used the harmonix xdc2 pc,between the wall and box. ? what do you think ?
Pink Floyd release a new album on the 10 of November.I need some new music.This album should be interesting.
Hi..there was no comparison. .the biggest gains were the plinus and rhodium.The amp and gold gtx even on the wall were average at best.
Yes,at this stage anyway.Maybe each one,takes a lot longer,maybe more than the other to burn in.After two weeks,rhodium is still superior.Im sure others feel the same.Other posts certainly think so.
Sabai was onto it.They were too busy arguing,I sort of lost interest,in what they were saying.Im the sort of person who has to find out for himself,so not a problem.The next person,could have a different opinion.Im looking forward to the other rhodium arriving.
Thanks sabai.For a couple of hundred dollars,it has helped my system greatly.At this stage little investments on the system is where its at.Im frying bigger fish for the next several months.Have you got something else I could try.thanks
Jebsmith73,the r a l precept is good on the cd player isn't it.thankyou,you helped me out there.