Tannoy Yorkminster vs Canterbury

I am looking for opinions comparing the Tannoy Yorkminster vs the Canterbury from those who have heard them. I had hoped to get some Westminster's but looks like my room is not going to be big enough for them, so I am specifically looking at these. Now, I know that the Yorkminster has a lower bass response, which I am interested in, however, I have read that the mid is not as sweet as the Canterbury... Is this actually so or possibly a "break in" issue? I listen to a wide range of music with classic jazz and classic rock being the major majority and classical being a significant minority. I currently have Quad ESL's (up for sale) so mid clarity and detail is very important to me, yet having said that, the lack of bass from the Quad's is exactly the reason for my speaker change. I have heard smaller Tannoys in the past (and LOVED the sound) but am unable to hear either of these before purchase unfortunately. I will be using them with Atma-Sphere MA-1 OTL amps and custom Audio Note DAC, along with phono frontend.
Thank you, in advance, for thoughtful response.
Also, I should point out that the Canterbury is the only speaker of the 3 that has
a tweeter-height issue. You'll need either some really beefy pedestal stands
(about 8-10" tall) or something like hockey pucks up front to tilt the
tweeters up to ear level (I used 2 pucks per speaker). This is caused by the
slightly shorter cabinet coupled with the very large 15-inch driver pushing the
tweeter further down towards the floor.

Also, I listen to much more rock than classical, and there too I prefer the
Canterbury over what I heard with the Yorkminster.
I auditioned both and ended up buying the Canterbury GR's. They are sweeter sounding with no "honkiness". I found the Yorkministers GR's still had that last hair of honkiness. The Yorkministers also don't fill the room like the big Canterbury GR's.

Give the Canterbury's a 100+ hours to break in and I think you will be very happy.
if you go over to audio shark,there is a fairly extensive post about tannoy speakers-don't know if it will answer your questions ,but it might
Yeah, the Canterbury GR is probably going to be a better sounding option over
both SE's (Mbovaird -- there is no Yorkminster GR that I know if?). That said, the
new GR prices represent dramatic price increases (almost 40%), which may be a
factor. I'm still super-happy with my Canterbury SE (closing in on 2 years going),
and have finally reached a point where I'd rather spend that kind of cash on
things other than my 2ch system.
Thank you guys much for the thoughtful response. Sounds like a confirmation of what I had heard previously. I reckon I will work out a deal for Canterbury's.

Does anyone know exactly what the improvements were going to GR from SE line?