TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ?

Hello all,
I heard Tannoy will give up the Hi-Fi part of their iconic brand. They would stop the public part for developping the "Pro" side. Do you have some infos ?

Showing 2 responses by upscaleaudio

Fun video we just did  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYeW5X4GX7Ehttp://

As the importer/distributor of Tannoy in North America, I can tell you Tannoy Legacy and GR products are made in Europe, and that has never changed. The cabinets are made in the same factory where they have been made for decades.

Lower-priced Tannoy products are made in Asia, but that’s true for almost every brand. There are other brands where "made in England" means mounting Chinese drivers into Chinese cabinets. Doesn’t make them a bad product. But Chinese, Korean, and Japanese buyers demand Tannoy stay true to being Tannoy. They call the other brands "Clone-oy". They will never have the long-term value that a real Tannoy loudspeaker has.

They don’t run a production line like other brands. They are made in matched pairs, one pair at a time. Presently products are shipped to Belgium where they are warehoused and distributed, and it’s not efficient. We cannot get enough product out of them to satisfy the huge demand.

Therefore, there is a new factory opening in England where they will be manufactured, warehoused, and shipped from under one roof.

From what I’ve read, the Music Tribe Innovation Center in Manchester England has 190 employees alone. It’s a real company with over 4,000 employees.

I want to say something else here. I’m 63 years old, and have been in the HiFi industry since I was 18. It’s all I’ve ever done. A simple in-store demo does not explain what it’s like to own a pair of Tannoys. Their ability to express the soul of music is unlike any other brand, which is why people go crazy for old Tannoy raw drivers. An old Tannoy Silver 12" driver can sell for $8k a pair.

I normally don’t participate in forums but wanted to set the record straight. Thanks! Have fun!

Kevin Deal
Upscale Distribution
I failed to realize the erroneous article from 2016 caused this thread.   As you can see from the video that we made just this last March...literally weeks ago..Tannoy is producing.  Though as usual it's not mass-produced.  I took some videos of how it's done and I should use the footage.  I've been to speaker factories and oftentimes the speakers being built are on a conveyor belt, and things move quickly.  

A pair of Stirlings or Cheviots are built in pairs by one man, and it's a slow process of building one, then the other from matched cabinets and drivers.  Then they are taken to the test room where they keep the "Gold Sample" which is a PERFECT example of the speaker being built.  The Gold Sample is measured, then compared to the speakers just assembled.  

It made no sense to me why the Gold Sample would be re-measured every time.  Why not just store the data once and re-use it for every pair built?  The answer is atmospheric changes.  Air pressure can change the measurements.  

That's what I mean.  

I'll crawl back into my hole now.  I leave forums to be forums and it's not a place for industry folk.  Thank you and I'm so glad the people that own Tannoy are so happy.