Tannoy Legacy Ardens - which amp suggestions for 15 big ass babies

Source streamer LINN Klimax Renew DS and turntable rega RP8

This is more of a what if?? Just got new speakers and wouldn’t change amp for a few months ...... I’m using my existing Croft 25r pre into ATC P1 power amp at the moment - I cant hear anything wrong but there’s always that niggle maybe something else will bring something more out. The ATC P1 is class ab at 150w but speakers are 93db so no lack of power. I tried my
leben 300xs with its 15w in for a evening but only sounded as good if sparse vocal type music - anything more complicated saw much better retrieval and detail and musicality from croft / ATC combo. Deep bass brilliantly controlled where the Leben went farty (sorry for description) 
so wodnering if there is alternative that people use with fat ass tannoys. Seen some mention Luxman class a like the 590 others Tron amps or icon audio. Would prefer European or British as better value for money here .....

music listened to varied lots of singer songwriter folk country pop rock - little heavy rock and hardly any classical

thanks for your thoughts rich

Showing 2 responses by akg_ca

(1) In your current setup, I would consider swapping in a matched series model CROFT power amp mated to the current CROFT pre-amp. I auditioned them both mated to LIVING VOICE AVATARS.... lovely!

Imprtant note re: test audition

the dealer did a swap-in / swap-out demo of alternate cables ....the top of the line LFDs (full array ....ICs and speaker and power) were best of breed. (The power remained constant , but the various ICs and speaker cable array were the variables) The opinion among the three of uses was unanimous ..... the LFD cable array took the CROFT/LV setup to a higher level. System synergy matters.


Its my understanding that TANNOYS are internally wired with quality build VAN DEN HUL speaker cable (the actual model escapes me for the moment ) TANNOY used to offer their own speaker cable that was simply rebranded existing VDH . It’s worth a spin to see if that cable bake-off exercise option is a step-up viable option.


Hey Rich

RE TANNOY Prestige Reference Speaker cables

the TOP TANNOY rebranded VAN DEN HUL cables are apparently the Van den Hul 'The Inspiration’ cable models