Tannoy D700, 500 How do they sound?

I'm using two mono tube amps, 35-40 watts, trioded 6550Cs each, and wondering about suitable speakers, $2-4k, that are smooth, fun, dynamic, deep tight bass, for classical & jazz. Anyone heard the Tannoys? I've enjoyed Paradigm 100, Nova Applause, VMPS RM1. -Thanks!

Showing 1 response by redkiwi

I have only heard the D700 at a dealers and so will not comment directly on the sound. However, the reputation of these speakers is that, despite their efficiency, they present a reasonably difficult load and need lots of current to control those big cones. Some say SS amps, or very good and powerful tubes. This might end up being a problem for you with only 40W of tube power. Otherwise my brief listen suggests they might fit with your desire for "smooth, fun, dynamic, deep tight bass".