Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR

Good Morning and happy holidays,

Having just spent a day over at my friend's new listening shack/man cave with my Leben driving his Tannoy Stirlings, I fell in love and am thinking I might just need a pair myself. So, I could use a little help deciding between the Stirling GR's and Cheviot Legacy's and am curious if any of you have experience with both and what you hear/feel is the difference between the two.

If it helps, I listen to a pretty wide variety - mostly singer songwriter, alt country, some classic rock and jazz. A little hiphop, no metal and very little classical.

Thanks in advance for your insights.




Showing 4 responses by sandthemall

I listened to the Cheviot and the Turnberry GR 2 months ago at Upscale Audio. It was a close contest as they both have the expansive, somewhat dry Tannoy presentation. There was a little more articulation and  sophistication with the Turnberrys. Cheviots won with the big bass moments hands down. But both seemed to have the same bass presence. 

Had to go with my gut and chose Turnberry GR. So my advice to you is to go with the Cheviot. The Stirling has a 10" driver but with smaller  voice coils and and with smaller HF driver.

Listen, you can't go wrong woth either...but based on my audition, the Cheviot was quite good compared to Turnberry. I imagine that the Stirling, with it's smaller box and driver coils will have less bass output than the Cheviot, which was, as I said earlier, near equal to the Turnberry is bass.

Not sure you will need to raise the Tannoys. They sound expansive and big enough that this may not be necessary. I get plenty of soundstage with them in a low lounge chair and the supplied feet.

They will need a good 40-60 hours to sound their best...so be patient.




There has been a lot of misinformation about Tannoy manufacturing.

What I know is that there is a commitment to build the Legacy speaker line in Scotland. 

Each pair of legacy speakers is made by one person, who personally signs each section of the included quality certificate. 



According to Kevin Deal, the US Tannoy distributor, a new factory will be located in England to continue building the Legacy line. Lower priced Tannoy stuff is built in Asia.

The Fyne stuff is interesting but honestly does not look anywhere near as kool as the Tannoy Legacy stuff. It's simply iconic. 



I bought mine in October 2021. They were made in 2019 in the UK.

I believe current stock at Upscale is all from that shipment.

Nothing lasts forever. If you want made in UK, buy Tannoy asap.

Would be curious to know where Legacy products are going to be made.