Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR

Good Morning and happy holidays,

Having just spent a day over at my friend's new listening shack/man cave with my Leben driving his Tannoy Stirlings, I fell in love and am thinking I might just need a pair myself. So, I could use a little help deciding between the Stirling GR's and Cheviot Legacy's and am curious if any of you have experience with both and what you hear/feel is the difference between the two.

If it helps, I listen to a pretty wide variety - mostly singer songwriter, alt country, some classic rock and jazz. A little hiphop, no metal and very little classical.

Thanks in advance for your insights.




Showing 2 responses by leotis

I had Cheviot recently and returned them. In part because they were too large for my space. In part because the definition was muddled to my ear. I’m used to Revels with berilium tweeters which give silky smooth very articulate. Was using PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated and Pass Int -25. Loved the tone from the Cheviot. Bass was wonderful. But any music that was very complex seemed kind of muddled. Think is has to do with the crossover at 1200 (if I remember correctly). It’s asking this 12” driver to go too high and the tweeter to go too low is how I was guessing at it.  They asked me to give it some break in which I did maybe 100 hrs and it did improve. Still on some music seemed less than optimal, but on other music particularly acoustic was wonderful. I miss those speakers now. Still, bottom line they were just too big for my space.  

Yeah. I was expecting continued improvement based on how the tweeter smoothed out over the first maybe 100 hours. Best speaker I have had in that 17' x 25' room in terms of filling the space and sounding great from everywhere in the room. I would have given  it more time except Upscale return policy; I wanted to send back before my housekeeper dinged them up. Bottom line being physically too large for the spot I could place them. Feng Sui issue. Half the reason I picked Tannoy is that Pass Labs uses Tannoy to voice their amps and I figured it would be a good match for the Pass INT-25. Which turned out to be correct, an exceptional match IMO. I still miss those things.