Tango Step Up Transformers vs Bob's Sky Blue Cinemag


I am considering getting an SUT and was wondering if anyone could share their experience with the sonic signatures between vintage Tango transformers and Bob's Devices Sky Blue Cinemags.

I realize having the correct step up ratio and optimum loading in relation to your specific cartridge is of utmost importance, but with all things being equal... I'm curious of the sound signatures of each.  The tone, the dynamics, the soundstaging, etc.

Even if you only have experience with only one or the other... any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Best Wishes for great health and happiness to all,

Showing 1 response by teo_audio

Well, All I know is that my biz partner, Taras,...while at a show dinner, sat near Bob and some industry leaders and the conversation turned to a discussion on transformers. Bob acquitted himself well (gave better than he took), and is no fool when it comes to transformers.