Talon Khorus with no soundstage?

Recently I've been auditioning a system that consists of all Electrocompaniet components and Talon Khorus speakers.
The amplifiers are a pair of AW180MBs.

It seemed that the sound was residing inside speaker cabinets and did not go outside. It's like you place one part of orchestra or band inside one speaker cabinet and another part into another cabinet and let them play.

The rest of auditioned components are: EMC-1, EC4.7
I did not pay attention to interconnects and tweaks but if my eye doesn't lie I saw Nordost Valhalla as a speaker cable.

I'm not a pro in accoustics but the only thing I know that original soud wave travels to our ear before the reflected one. That's why I think that soundstage in %$16k speaker must be present even in the wrong room.

Can it be other components?
Please, share your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by audiofreak71

Re Reviving an old thread. I own the Talon Khorus X and although I know listening is subjective, the negative things said by those that heard them or Owned them (which seems like most a short period) have not taken the time to patiently set them up correctly and give the time for them to break in regardless of how long it takes. Once these are broken in and setup correctly they are a force to be reckoned with, I have not heard a speaker do what these can do at any price and I have heard Inexpensive to ultra ultra expensive. It seems to me that those that know better realize they struck gold with the Talons and it’s unfortunate that the company never recovered but I am thankful they left their mark for those of us to enjoy the beautiful music they make.  With that said if they made a comeback (I know they won’t) It would be most welcome from me.